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Awesome 40 metre cave hunt!

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Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2001
[ame="http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=4922661674075715506&q=spearfishing"]Pesca Submarina en Menorca[/ame]

Outstanding variable weight hunt. Wow!
Erik Y.
anybody notice there was alreasy a line going into the cave as the divers decended?

Nice fins on the shooter. would think from the posts in the past that those old Gara's were limited to 20m
I did see the line to the ditched weight belt and the line to his gun. Also he ascended without a shaft. Maybe it was dive #2 or3+ trying to get the Grouper out?
Those old plastic fins are certainly underated.
Erik Y.
Neat video, but I really don't understand why he wastes so much energy by kicking the whole way down. Especially in variable, I would expect only 1 or 2 kicks, followed by sinking the rest of the way.

Funny that they avoided the surfacing! Maybe he blacked out?
It wasn't a big weight and it looked like he was 'steer-kicking' until he got near the bottom....strange indeed.
I wondered also if he was conscious, especially as he dropped the gun just before surfacing
Erik Y.
I thought maybe his reel got spooled and that's why he let go of the gun.
I have read on a Spanish website (larompiente.com) about the use of what is called a "pendulum." Basically its just the weight belt that is attached to a surface float, so that the weight can be taken off at the bottom. Then it can be reeled up during the rest period. I was wondering how many people use this while spearfishing?

It looked like his reel locked up, agreed. I certainly don't mean to disresepct this man's incerdible hunting technique, just curious.
I haven't used the pendulum/variable weight method as most of our freshwater diving doesn't warrant it, but intend to do some experimenting with it this year in some of our deeper lakes and the ocean.
Erik Y.
Hey guys, happy new year by the way!

Just saw the video and maybe it was just my monitor since resolution was poor but I never saw the fish or the other line. In any event it seems strange to me too that he kept kicking all the way down, I would think using the pendulum weight he'd have enough momentum to steer himself right into the kill zone. And I would also think he'd have to spread his fins out and plane off a few times because he'd be going so fast at that depth.

In my experience hunting that deep (haven't done it in a few years now) I was very negative past 80ft and would be falling down a pretty quick clip. I would end up spreading my fins wide to slow my descent or planing up once or twice to help my ears clear.

In any event, you can tell it was a hell of a deep dive judging by the length of the descent. My last really deep dive was a grouper I shot at 110' and I was wearing a 3mm two-piece with 6-8lbs I think. He must have had 2-4Kg's on his pendulum, and 4Kg's would shoot him down, so maybe he had a light pendulum so that he wouldn't drop too fast and have a hard time clearing.

In any event that stuff is dangerous and I wouldn't reccomend any spearfisherman try it unless they're diving with someone better than them who can rescue them in case of a BO. It's also a good rule of thumb not to spearfish any deeper than you can wearing a weightbelt. You don't want to get caught at 40M with a dropped weight if you've never been there before...

Just my 2cents, Mark
Weird to see it so bright down there!

So, the guy shot the fish in the cave? There didn't seem to be much in the way of a struggle or signs of success?

I'm also surprised that he didn't use better fins for the deep hunting dive.
Erik said:
Maybe it was dive #2 or3+ trying to get the Grouper out? Erik Y.

In the description he says that the grouper is "enrocado" usually it means that the fish has been shot and has holed up, so probably it was a continuing series of dives.

And after 5 dives, finally get it out, and a f!@$#%ing moray eel eat it all!
Pause Video between 0:56 and 0:58 and you will clearly see a line coming in from Camera Right and a going under the ledge.

Have used simmilar method to extend bottom times while hunting in the 90 -100ft range. but just used a mooring line to hand over hand down and swim up. was hunting a deep wreck. seems to work quite well. leave your gun at the base of the line between unsuccessful dives.
Great video. Nice big load of bubbles drops his gun and the camera stops.. Hmm!

It would have to be a damm tasty fish..
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fantastic! Where do I fine me some blue water like that around the UK?

Next Q = I'm of to Spain and Portugal in June..... Are there any spearfishing restrictions that anyone knows about pls?
Hello !
The google video thing is sadly not available in every country, could someone be kind enough to load it and put it somewhere else !! Reading all this thread called my curiosity !!
The dive was for a second shot on the grouper, he did not had enough line on the reel to take the gun to the surface.
Reactions: naiad
If you like that kind of deep hunting stuff you can watch "Al limite" with Alberto March. His dives ranged from 36 to 46 metres. He uses the "pendulum" technique and pulled out some really huge groupers.
Awesome! I'm not a spearo myself and don't know much about spearfishing, but it looks great.

Strange that it doesn't show the whole dive though... :hmm

As freedivers, we know, if he blacks out, with a buddy next to him, no big deal.
As spearos, a SWB diving alone, is the last dive.
But, somebody has to take the video, it might as well serve as a safety diver.
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