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Azores in november?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2004
Hello all,
I have a week in november to go spearing. I have found a charter trip to a hotel right on the rocks in Agua de Pau, Caloura, on the south coast of São Miguel.
Can anyone tell me about the azores in november?

How is the fishing at that time, the viz, weather etc. Any info will help alot.

Thanks beforehand
click into the Deeper Blue member list, find a member whose nick is Marginatus (a gentle and helpful person), and ask him: he's from Azores, and supposed to be there right now.

I went to San Miguel during november a couple of years ago.....generally the conditions were not good. The sea was choppy with the weather being very wet and windy. Viz was also not as good, about 8m compared to 20+ during the summer.


I heard the same thing about the weather from someone else as well. I'll see what Marginatus has to say, but it seems like the Azores will have to wait for another time. Probably better to go in the summer and for longer than a week so I can also visit pico and flores and maybe have time to get out on a boat. I think we'll go to cyprus this time. Less than half the price for the trip also.

I know the London Club have regularly visited the Islands with good fishing results but not sure which month they tend to go in; try sending PM to Mike Bradshaw on members list as he is president of club.
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