My darling Maya Inia now has a baby brother
"Finn Mako" 8lb 8
Mum and baby fit and well
So proud of Maya. She is an excellent big sister (Shes 4yrs now)... and a very proud dad watched her swim 22meters when we were last at the pool together. Mum wants her to be able to get her self out of difficulty. I want her to be able to get herself and one other out of difficulty!!
"Finn Mako" 8lb 8
Mum and baby fit and well
So proud of Maya. She is an excellent big sister (Shes 4yrs now)... and a very proud dad watched her swim 22meters when we were last at the pool together. Mum wants her to be able to get her self out of difficulty. I want her to be able to get herself and one other out of difficulty!!