Keen to find out about bi-fins suitable for travelling around with (rucksack type thing).
I have a pair of Waterway Captain Nemo's with Omer footpockets that are good but I was hoping to find maybe a lighter pair.
Anyone been backpacking with fins in a rucksack ?
I guess carbon are lighter but I worry about resilience.
Also I think that there are lighter footpockets than the Omers - can anyone recommend a good combination.
Not for very deep diving - maybe 20m max (on a good day) - sort of after recreational fins.
I have a pair of Waterway Captain Nemo's with Omer footpockets that are good but I was hoping to find maybe a lighter pair.
Anyone been backpacking with fins in a rucksack ?
I guess carbon are lighter but I worry about resilience.
Also I think that there are lighter footpockets than the Omers - can anyone recommend a good combination.
Not for very deep diving - maybe 20m max (on a good day) - sort of after recreational fins.