As with the thread about attracting fish using noise. How about using bait? I read everything from boats running a trail of bits of guts thrown into the water to people placing a can of cat food in a place that is easily ambushed.
My own experience is more from accidental chumming. When cleaning a pile of fish at dusk often murenas or octopus come paying a visit. Today as I was bleeding some large lionfish' I got visited by a small school of lesser amberjacks and later by belones. So I know it works, but every time I try it on purpose, like placing a well-sliced bleeding fish with its guts hanging out under a stone, nothing comes to have a look and an hour later the fish is still there, covered by bearded fireworms.
How do you use bait? You use it only in open water or also in the reef? Making a trail or just laying it down? Accompanying with flashers or not? What kind of fish does a certain bait attract? Any must-try recipes, or just sliced catch and leftovers from the filleting?
My own experience is more from accidental chumming. When cleaning a pile of fish at dusk often murenas or octopus come paying a visit. Today as I was bleeding some large lionfish' I got visited by a small school of lesser amberjacks and later by belones. So I know it works, but every time I try it on purpose, like placing a well-sliced bleeding fish with its guts hanging out under a stone, nothing comes to have a look and an hour later the fish is still there, covered by bearded fireworms.
How do you use bait? You use it only in open water or also in the reef? Making a trail or just laying it down? Accompanying with flashers or not? What kind of fish does a certain bait attract? Any must-try recipes, or just sliced catch and leftovers from the filleting?