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Bait to attract fish

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Is the baby shampoo reef-safe? I'm hoping to keep my product costs down, without either struggling to get into my (new) open-cell suit, drying out my skin with soap, or putting anything nasty in the water...
Is the baby shampoo reef-safe? I'm hoping to keep my product costs down, without either struggling to get into my (new) open-cell suit, drying out my skin with soap, or putting anything nasty in the water...
There's a product called "Slippy" for wetsuit lubing, mixed with water. The exact same composition alternative is any old non scented powdered sex or medical lube which are all polyethylene oxide based. I have been using these for years now and laugh at people struggling with soaps still. I feel entitled to chuckle due to the occasional judgemental looks whenever I tell people to just find some bulk sex lube powder and have at it. Breaks down in contact with salt water and doesn't damage your suit, or the environment.
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