I just rolled over this thread and would like to add my 2 cents. Im a sufferer of MCS( multi chemical sensetivity) and many others. I have been fighting and testing the main things that agavate my sinus issues which is causing my right ear troubles equalizing evan at 3 meters.
The number one irratant is fragrances via shampoo,conditioners,shaving cremes,colognes,hair sprays!,gels,perfumes,laundry deterent,fabric softners( bounce and downey dam near put me in the hosp),bar soaps,dish soaps, cat liters,air freshers, carpet fresheners,furnture polishes, certain cleaning suplies, just to name a few. Another one that really caught me was beding, it holds everything, so its changed every 2 days and a plastic mattress cover, pillows are worst,plastic cover them too. Needless to say my wife is unhappy about it but understanding

. Any kind of dust. Flowers of course. I have to wash my clothes by themselves issolates from everyone elses.
There are the foods also,0 gluten based products...UUgh! no pizza,burgers,cookies,etc Rice products only, splet is ok but yuk! there are spices that trigger my sinuses also.
Thats the bad news
Now the good, after doing a full house clean out I kind smell everthing..i mean everything. This sounds weird but i can smell people.?. yep.. if you were to walk up and smell your womans neck , I could do that for 5-10 feet away. I was walking through the hospital while back i could smell each person as i past their rooms. To me my own skin smells like chocolate, I could tell if my wife was around a smoker at any time of the day....enough of the weird stuff.
My migrane headaches that i had were gone same for my wife which suffers from migranes. I sinuses were effecting my vision by the pressure pulling up, my teeth evan hurt before from the pressure pushing down..gone! Equalizing my ears became alot easier. No more being in a fog in my thinking processes. Eccessive fatigue is gone.
After about 2-3 hour with goggles on my sinuses clear also.
Cutting to the point I wouldnt be supprized if its a enviromental issue.
Zertec once a day helps when im out of my bubble..haha.
Hope this helps
bubble boy lol