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Band Conditioning

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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New Member
Apr 17, 2006
I have a SporaSub speargun and feel like I should apply some type of conditioner to the bands. Should I use silicon grease or is there a better approach? TYIA!

BTW, I'm new to spear fishing and due in large part to you guys on in the forums, here's a picture of my first fish. Got it in about 75 ft of water in Panama City Beach, Fl.

About the best thing you can do for making the bands perform and last longer is to keep them cleaned of salt water with a after dive rinse and then store them dry out of the sunlight. If it's going to be a while before you next use, remove them from the gun, put them in a Ziploc baggie and toss 'em in the fridge.

Spraying release agents or solvents will do nothing but make them harder to handle when it comes time to load up. The rubber has a skin for all intents and purposes that won't let any "conditioner" into them, but UV will kill them on the quick.

Nice first fish by the way. :king
Fredman, usually what Icarus Pacific told will do the work. However, latex tubing manufacturers have been recommending a new product called 303 Aerospace Protectant, http://www.303products.com. It has UV screen and all. Alex Franco, from this forum, uses and loves it.