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Band or pneumatic??

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Always Hungry
May 16, 2006
Band or pneumatic??
Hi all
Myself and a friend (stuckinsurrey) are fairly new to the game and at the moment are both using 18mm band guns of 75cm length.
Most of our sport is and will be coming from around the close inshore parts of Dorset and some of the Cornish coasts.
At present we can get down to around 4 to 6 meters max but are hoping to change that soon (almostafish yer gonna earn yer money with us two fat bas**rds)
What are the benefits of the compressed air guns over the band guns and is it worth 2 new bee’s like ourselves having one???
Any thought’s any of you have on this would be very much appreciated.
Stick with the 75cm band gun for at least a season
It is better to concentrate on technique and comfort in the water at first, which is easier to do with familiar equipment. It is easy to get hung up on equipment choices, but just remember the diver is a much more important factor than the kit
Band guns are the way to go in the 'early' days in my opinion. There's relatively little that can go wrong with them and are easily fixed. When you have properly caught the bug you might consider trying a pneumatic on for size but your current set up is fine. You might consider, finances allowing, a 90cm for those gin-clear viz days
Thanks Dave the 75’s we’re using are your venom’s just the job they are to.


With the relative shallow water we are in would a 90cm be a bit tricky to move around for that oh s**t there’s one sort of shot?
Not really, I was doing aspetto (lying in ambush) in about 3m of water last year with my 90cm on a very good viz day and was glad I had the extra length (oooeerr missus)
Spaniard said:
Not really, I was doing aspetto (lying in ambush) in about 3m of water last year with my 90cm on a very good viz day and was glad I had the extra length (oooeerr missus)

Laying in ambush so that’s what aspetto means.
As for the extra length my wife tells me its not the length its where you poke it(that’s the spear before I get in trouble):naughty :naughty

Podge, I'm starting to think that i might want a pneumatic gun to go with my band powered 90 and 60, but seeing as i don't have any trouble with the range, accuracy or reliability of my current guns i'm wondering if its just a desire for more toys rather than a serious need! From what i've read and heard, once you've gone pneumatic you won't go back, but i might just try and put that off for another season or so (or at least until i'm to old and weak to cock my 90 with 20mm bands on!)

1 shot, 1 kill
A desire for more toys and what’s wrong with that!!!!!!
I was once told that he who dies with the most stuff is the winner.
On a more serious note I to have been reading a lot on the subject and I think that by next season I will have a 90cm pneumatic.
Anybody got any recommendations???

foxfish said:
Yeah, join the dark side, buy a Mamba :martial

From what I’ve seen on this site the force run’s strong with you lord foxfish so maybe a mamba it is you never know it could be my destiny :ko
Reactions: foxfish
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