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Bands without a pre made bridle

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Jul 28, 2013
Hey guys, I don't quite no what to search for to find the info I need, but I'm looking for an alternative to the current bridles that I use, as I am finding that my bands are lasting much much longer that the dyneema.

As a result my rubbers get shorter and shorter. Is there a way to have loops of dyneema coming from each end of the rubber and another knot or knots to have a second piece of dyneema linking those two loops? That way when the piece that sits on the spear knotch wears I can replace that and leave the loops and rubber alone?


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Lots of people (including myself) do it just as you described. A short loop of dyneema (or other cord) is tied into each end of the band. The two loops are connected by a short length of cord, which is attached at each loop using a sheet bend knot. There are a couple of things that I like about this approach:

It's easy and quick to install bands on muzzles that only have a hole, and lack an insertion slot.
It allows the use of different cord materials. I like to use a thicker cord (producing a larger knot) for the loops, but you can still use a thinner cord for the bridle to fit the shaft notches.
Thanks so much for reply mate would vb cord be ok as the loops? Or does this have to be dyneema too?

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Also I'm assuming just an overhand knot is ok for the knot that sits in the rubber ? The chord that I have is the stuff I use for the constrictor knot. It's 2mm 16 plait polyester vb chord.

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I'm not familiar with VB cord, but the stuff I use is 2mm. A simple overhand knot will probably do, but I often tie a double-overhand or a stopper knot. There's no real need for Dyneema or other fancy cords for the loops, as they are not subect to significant abrasion and only need to be as strong as the band.
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