So I went on a flight on feb 4th and on the decent I had major pain on my left hear and muffled hearing for one night and that went away the next morning.... what persisted was non stop ear popping which went away after 2 weeks and I considered myself very lucky because I had no idea that was possible. Back to December 10th I got tinnitus(ringing in my ears) and was trying absolutely anything to get rid of it, a family member pushed me to do hyper baric oxygen therapy and I was skeptical because the flight and was willing to risk anything to get that ringing to go away. So I went on my first session and yet again the ear popping it didn’t bother me much and since it went away once I thought to myself here we go again another 2 weeks. So the doc who is also a ear specialist told me not to worry and go through with the 20 sessions back to back. On my 4 session I had minor ear pain on my right ear which is always blocked whenever I try to equalize the pressure but I’ve been like that for life. I did a 5th session and final one because the ear pain happened once again ( mind you i only go down 27-33 ft each time) he checked my ear and said my left one is fine and my right one had red in it, let it calm down and come again next week rather than tomorrow. I actually never went back worrying about doing some serious damage...... now a month and a half later my ears are still popping specifically the left one which makes no sense the right one is basically back to normal and doesn’t bother me at all. The left one pops none stop and starting a week ago accompanied with pain. Did a telehealth call with a ENT and gave me decongestion spray (Flonase,Anfrin) aswell as Claritin D Said I have ETD. None of this helped and I’m freaking out that I have to live with this none stop popping for the rest of my life now like the ringing. Has anyone had a similar experience and does this non stop ear popping go away. Whenever I swallow it pops one way and then needs to pop again with pressure I push from my head in order it to feel balanced and not full. PLEASE SOMEONE HELP!