I was apnea training in a pool only about 18 ft deep and had some congestion and was not able to equalize. Usually i never have problems equalizing in this pool and can do so w/o even pinching my nose. I tried to "force" equalization by pinching my nose. It didn't hurt at all in the pool but on the drive home felt clogged up. A few hours later i was in a world of pain. there was a sharp pain in the ear and a dull pain radiating on the side of my head. I went to the ER and the doctor said my eardrum was all red and inflamed he said i had barotrauma but not what kind. It didn't hurt as bad the next day but still a little and very stuffed up. I had tinnitus already but now it seems to be worse, but i'm not sure if this is a reslut of the ear being blocked (my ear has been blocked up in the past and it allows me to hear the ringing louder) or if my tinnitus has actually worsened. I also noticed some dry blood inside of my ear this morning. does this mean the ear drum is ruptured? or i have heard that this can happen from it being stretched enough for blood to pass through. If you rupture an eardrum does this mean you can never dive again? also might I have actually worsened my tinnitus? I saw an ENT today and he couldn't see anythign b/c there is so much clotting going on but i'm going back on thursday. I have felt slightly nauseous or dizzy since the acciden't but my biggest fear is that the ringing i'm experiencing while be permanent b/c i'm going crazy. Im scared to ever dive again even tho it was my life and i'm worried that this ringing is going to make school and studying very hard.