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barrel and sperars proportions

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also I wuold like to hear your openion about the best shaft diameter, I tuoght that Ill do 7mm shaft, but now I see that in steal shops the main majority of steal sticks is 6mm and 8mm. what is the best diameter to hunt?

i think a 6mm shaft would be a decent thickness of shaft. can you get it in spring stainless steel? how much does it cost where you are for this? if its cheaper maybe order some from ray odor in florida. he is a great guy, good prices and super fast when it comes to getting spears out.

whatever you choose to make your shaft out of make sure its spring stainless. i think its the best and probably would be most expensive but i had galvanized shafts and they are not as good. real rough.

where are you at ?


i think if you use glass it would make a lounder sound when fired if the shaft whips. it may also lead to cracks and scratches if sand gets in there and scores it. i think if you make the track of wood it will be just as nice.

fiberglass is a cloth material impregnated with resin and hardener and cures to a hard finish. the same thing a lot of boat hulls are made of, also surf boards.

you have a lot of good ideas but i think some might be more work than it will be worth and could cause some frustrations down the road.

i think its great you have ideas like this though and this is how things get invented, new concepts developed and innoovative products get born!
thank yuo for encouragement.
I dont think I could buy something from florida as I'm from Europe, in my cuontry Lithuania, there is no shops of steal, so ir is quite dificult to get it as busines men has no intention in doing such little deals.
so the galss idea is no good, what do yuo think fo making thack in square shape, what abuot the stability?

i think that a rounded shape is just as good as a square shape and the half round shape might be easier to do as well if you dont have a bit to cut the square shape. i personally like the rounded shape as its a proven style that works fine. the spear will lay in there and be held down in it with the tension of the bands assuming you are not going to have elevated bands. this should be just fine.

are you using a european trigger mechanism or a american style mechanism? will you be notching the shaft or just making a partial round shape in it to use a euro trigger?

i think to keep it simple would be perfect, have a rounded shaft rail in the gun. i think the glass idea may be prone to damage and cracking as the fun flexes or if it gets etched with sand.

i understand its expensive to get things where you are and if you need some things I will try and help. i ship things to my inlaws in slovakia a lot now.

keep us posted!

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