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bass with herbs & olives in oven

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love to hunt in silence
Dec 17, 2004
this one is a good easy to do
but very taste -low fat & also healthy

we will need a bass or umbria ,corvina ,sea drum, dentax
in the weight of 1 K & up
20 black Greek olives ( those that ready to eat )
i lemon
1 green pepper
1 red or yelow pepper
5 cloves of garlic
salt n pepper
olive oil
30 gr of butter
i onion cut to rings
gring paprika ( red sweet pepper )


put the onion rings on the oven tray
put on some olive oil dropes
put the fish on the onion rings
cut some lines on the upper part of the fish ( if it is big )
put the rosmary leaves near the fish
grind the herbs with the garlic add half lemon guice salt n pepper
add olive oil to it mixed it well
put them on the fish well also inside
add some salt inside the fish & also the butter
put on the fish the red paprika

put the fish in hot hoven 220 C for 8 min
then let it cook in 190 C for more 20 min aprox

bon appetit
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