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BC Spearing Trip: Round Two!

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hey guys,

i vote for the earlier dates of june 17-23, although my schedule is flexible.

the days leading up to and including canada day --- july 1 and the 4th of july should be assiduously avoided. the ferry to vancouver island will be jammed with extremely long sailing waits, highways busy, and boat charters likely all fully booked.

telegraph cove can be a popular destination, especially during holiday weekends. certainly not huge crowds per se, but enouogh people to fill the limited available local resources such as cabins and dive/whale watching boats, etc.

vancouver, canada
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Mmmmmm...... I'm thinking beer batter, home cut potato wedges and a guiness would work wonderfully with that critter!
Saw a beauty Walleye just before the burb. Finally caught up with the fishies in their winter retreat to the depths.
Amphibious said:
Mmmmmm...... I'm thinking beer batter, home cut potato wedges and a guiness would work wonderfully with that critter!

Mmmmmm, .........I'll wallet the beer batter, potatos, and Guiness and you do the cooking.

Colin> :friday <Jim
I'll go with Bass - ale that is. The rest sounds fine as long as we're not sharing a tent.
Sounds like a Plan Jim!

Chris: if one of those walleyes ever get suicidal and rushes your spear, try cutting the fillets into nuggets, and deepfrying in beer batter& Montreal steak spice. lay on a tray with paper towels and put in fridge. they are great cold for breakfast or in a paperbag for a hike snack
Anything you can do to flavor up a walleye is a good idea. Personally, I prefer northern pike. Even smallmouth taste better!

:inlove Aww, thanks! I do want to go; it just depends on my work schedule in a job I don't have yet. That makes it difficult to schedule, just a bit I'll keep you posted.
Some of the most important people in my life have been met through freediving.Erik

ahhhh gee Erik, :inlove I feel the same way...

I'm trying to rope Jer into this trip, but we may be headed to Maui in June to dive / spear...
Not to throw a crescent wrench at the moon or anything - but what are the odds of putting something together during the school-year - say August/Sept? Perhaps a completely separate trip.
I would be down for a second trip then as well... Theres a good chance I would make the coast for both trips.
Anyone else driving over from Vancouver? If I can make it, it'd be nice to ride-share to the site.
Umm, my name is Tyler... I am a diver that does not use scuba tanks... I like to go down. There are fish down there and other wierd things. When I go down I get really nice feelings. It all is very much like those dreams where you are under the water... and you are swimming... and you get to look at all the sea life. Yeah... I like that. I banged my head on the bottom of a swimming pool once. I also like how rain rolls right off the feathers of ducks... they are fortunate. Well, I hope when you folks go diving in BC that I go diving too, then we can all like... dive together. And I have a camera. Maybe a photo or two of some of you under the water. I am sure you all look pretty neat in them tight underwater clothing. I like tight clothing.
Reactions: JMD and Fondueset
Hi Tyler. I found more under-water things here! Also you can see really far! Will you have fins this time? Would you like me to bring some extras if I get there? My new suit has painting on it.

PS - Cormorants looks like mercury underwater in the right light. But they do have to dry their wings after while.
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Hey guys,

I agree that the TC is an awesome choice, since we have done the run before. Haddington island was a gold mine. I could dive there every day. The other option that sounds appealing is the west side of the island - uculet or tahsis. Still good regs for spearing.

Gabe, you mention halibut. This is the one thing we missed last trip. We had a lead on a reachable spot on the other side of Malcolm island of the last day, but didn't have the gas to get there. By reachable I am speaking in spearo depth terms of less than 25 m. This excludes the monofin gods that were their last year, who could probably find the halibut in the deep trenches at the bottom of the ocean.

Colin, can we work out those crab gauges? Anyone else interested in a dungeness crab gauge?

I have an idea for those crab traps though. Dump them off the dock, basically where Tyler found the other one. I am not sure if this style would work under the regs. The fish debris at the docks brings in the crabs in hordes.

Yes, you can count on my appearance sans-fins. After diving the rest of last summer under numerous conditions without fins, and with Christmas holidays training in the Bahamas with no fins, I will be pushing beyond what I managed during last year's trip.

I have some information for you all regarding dive locations:

- Heading north from Campbell River, water temperatures last summer were generally 11 degrees celcius or less, therefore there is little to no water temperature advantage to doing a trip sooner or later to such destinations.

- Late July to mid-September had mostly sunshine last year with beautiful temperatures but degraded water visibility often, although further north of Campbell River in the colder waters it would probably be better.

- West coast has waters that will most likely remain below 15 degrees and depending on where one is probably 12 or lower. Although inlets from the west coast will reach up to 19 degrees late July to mid-September. Chance of hitting a serious algae bloom in these inlets greatly increased during these times.

more to come... have to run...
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