I've been having equilizing problems as well. Here's a summary of the tips I've gotten thus far:
-keep your chin tucked into your chest on decent (so with a head down decent, you're more or less looking at the surface) and if you're using a line to pull down with, keep your arms relaxed.
-Try tilting your head when equilizing if one ear is giving you problems...for example, if your left ear is blocked, tilt your head to the right. I find this helps me as it stretches those e-tubes a bit. Recently I've been playing with a jaw thrust when I pop my ears, and that seems to make a louder "pop"...maybe that will help?
-consider using a neti-pot (or turkey baster in a pinch) to administer nasal rinses. I use a mixture of 1 cup warm water 1/2 tsp each of baking soda and sea salt. Just pour it up your nose and let it settle in your sinuses. Sounds odd, but it really works!
-equilize (i.e., pop your ears) as often as possible on land throughout the day. This will help to stretch those e-tubes so they'll be good and stretchy when you dive.
Hope this helps a bit. Hey, I'm hoping this helps ME when I go to open water dive again this spring... :hmm
Also, have a look in the search function for equilizing threads. There's lots of info here in the DB forum for you.
