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Belt Stringers

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Can someone please explain why everyone's getting scared of using stringers?

Have Great Whites invaded and everyone 'conveniently' forget to tell me!?! :confused:
sharks was a bit of joke (albeit a possibility)!! i have heard of divers swimming past a hole and a conger grabbing hold of a fish on their belt and trying to drag them into the hole before!

Also bass spines on your a** isnt my idea of fun (although to some people it might be!)
Hey Dave I think the conger and moray have got similar habbits : they love to steal fish from spearos :).
Have Great Whites invaded and everyone 'conveniently' forget to tell me!?! :confused:

We were going to tell you, honest we were.
It's just that some of us thought it might be more fun to let you jump in the water first. :)

I use two stringers, one on the belt and one one the float or kayak.
The one on the belt is used only if the float is not close enough or there is lots of fish action going on. Not to keen on having fish dragging behind me, not for any particular reason, just prefer them on a float.

That's exactely what I'm going to do mate!!!:friday
While freedive spearfishing I have never had a conger go for my fish although I have been near a lot of conger and often with a belt full of fish. I have had congers try to eat the barb off my spear of my loaded gun (scary) and even strike at my mask (very very scary) as I approached them in their holes under the kelp. However not near as scary as when .....

I was salvage diving with scuba on a wreck in 100 foot of water. On the second tank I took down a small gun to harvest a few large pout, pollack and red mullet, plus a crab or lobster if I was lucky. This was just to get a feed for myself and the crew.

The wreck was a 100 foot armed cargo vessel from the second world war that was sunk by rocket firing Typhoon aircraft. It was fairly complete and sat upright on the seabed. I was sat on the edge of the hold and had speared a couple of jumbo pout that were shoaling in front of me. I had strung them on the spearline as I didn't have a stringer.

I shot a pout and had hold of the spear when out from under the edge of the hold literally between my legs a 30lb+ conger grabbed the pout on the spear. It started to spin and all hell broke loose. I could hear its teeth grinding on the steel spear. My breathing was somewhat elevated.

Eventually the eel gave up trying to eat through the spear and spat out the mangled pout. It hung for a second eyeing me or so I thought. Actually it was eyeing the other pout on my spear line. Congers in the open move with a slow grace that belies there brute power. The eel struck like a snake and engulphed half the pout. It spun very fast and as the string tightened the eel wound itself right up to me. Time for a change of trousers.

The situation was resolved when the pout sheared in two and the eel swallowed it whole. I watched a lump pass down into its stomach just like the picturers of a snake eating its meal. The eel had had enough and just slowly sunk back into the hold and back to its hole.

Same wreck different day and I had a ling try to bite my leg off ... another story.

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Bro there are sharks in british waters, makos, threshers, porbeagles! ( as i was told )
I have never seen a shark while diving but I do see them quite often from my boat.
When I say often I mean once a year but they are either Porbeagle or basking shark.
Shiny, your experiences must of been amazing in both cases!!!
I've been trying a new improved stringer tensioning device.

So far it has worked really well. Only trouble is I have not caught more than 2 fish at a time to put on it so no major test yet. It is though an improvement over my previous set up (which was pretty good anyway). It really snugs those fish tight into the small of your back when diving. Also coming up the beach it stops the stringer line coming down past your ass and the fish dragging behind flapping around your calfs.

I'll post some pictures tomorrow.

home made stringer.


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