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Bermuda Info anyone?

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Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2005
Wasn't sure where to put this thread so here it goes.

There's a nice job going in Bermuda with mucho dollars (and its a tax haven) that I could probably bag. Sadly, I've just read that spearfishing within like a mile of the islands is illegal with heavy fines threatened.

Apparrently, there's bugger all surf too due to the surrouding reefs. Is moving there going to be a waste of time for me? Does anyone have any experience of the place?

Any pointers appreciated.:inlove
I thought you were allowed to spearfish with polespear/hawian spear? That might have changed by now.
Jez said:
Wasn't sure where to put this thread so here it goes.

There's a nice job going in Bermuda with mucho dollars (and its a tax haven) that I could probably bag. Sadly, I've just read that spearfishing within like a mile of the islands is illegal with heavy fines threatened.

Apparrently, there's bugger all surf too due to the surrouding reefs. Is moving there going to be a waste of time for me? Does anyone have any experience of the place?

Any pointers appreciated.:inlove

I heard it's really expensive. No personal experience though.
Jez said:
Sadly, I've just read that spearfishing within like a mile of the islands is illegal with heavy fines threatened.

Second hand info from Spearoard, another forum. Spearfishing is legal with pole spears only, so no guns or Hawaiian slings allowed. Henley pole spears seem to be popular there. Never mind the 1 mile interdiction, the reef around Bermuda goes farther than that.
Sup jez!! hopefully i can help ya out, im one of the few bermudians on deeperblue! The basic rules, as fantasea has laid out, are polespear only, no slings or guns, and you have to be outside of a mile of shore. Also there is no spearfishing around registered dive sites, usually around 200-500m away. As for the fines they impose...i havent heard the $ value but i know its high and the kicker... they impound the boat and sell it back to the owner. Also with regards to the scuba thing..you can't even have a speared fish and a tank in the same boat, regardless of what the tank was for. Then their are the fish regulations which you can pick up info at the Agriculture and Fisheries office, although they are VERY vague sometimes :head
Oh yeah, as for reefs, the south shore is pretty much a no no becuase the shelf drops off easily within the mile, but the north shore reefs stretch out like 3-5 miles and range from 5-50ish(more between reefs) feet.

Thats all i can think of at the moment and a pre-welcome to Bermuda!
i think you will find your allowed to use both hawiain sling and polespear
just as long as you dont use anything with a trigger device :naughty
that'd be incorrect. The hawaiian sling is definitely a no no. They are considered projectile weapons similar to sling shots (also illegal in bermuda). Also the ministry of the environment is harsh on how much of an advantage hunters have and as such only allow minimun of technologies to be applied.
Thanks for the tips chaps. Still considering my options.
DO IT, live a little, what've you got to lose...diving in the UK vs. diving in the Bahamas? If that's a large part of the decision I'd have had my bags packed already.
If someone offered that to me I'd be there before the guy/girl offering the job even finishes his/her sentence. :)
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