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Best new monofin?

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New Member
May 9, 2003
I am going to buy a new mono in the next few days. Any great suggestions.
I am an ok+ diver with PB's- dynamic125m, static 6:02, CW 44m.

I prefer medium+ and size 9US. I can spend a few hundred(maybe more) dollars.

I am rough on my gear and have been known to leave it in the sun.

I currently use stiff, non-carbon bi-fins, but prefer borrowed monos.
Hey Ramstam.
I love my Leaderfins Flyer medium.You don't go wrong with this mono...
Looks like there are three different Flyers? Are they the same, just different prices?
What is the difference between the Flyer and the Sport Advanced? They look about the same, but The Sport Advanced is half the price?

Has anyone used both of these?

Is there a site with prices in dollars?

You are right!!!

There are 3 Flyers:
Flyer Professional
Extra Class Flyer

The first two are basically the same monofin but the wings of the mono are made in different rubber, so one model is for finswimming and the other to Freediving.
The Extra Class Flyer is a very specialized Monofin with Carbon Fiber blade for top swimmers.

The Flyer is the number one option for sprinters in 50 and 100 maters competitions. It is much more advanced monofin that any of the Sport models basically for the situation and angle of the footpockets, that make your thighs work more efficiently.
The Sport Advanced has classical footpockets and wings but is more a training monofin.

If you need further information, send me an email to ivan@freediveforlife.com
And I will be glad to answer them.


Sport advanced has a very different foot pocket.

Sport advanced = sport monofin with wings
Flyer is a completely different fin (with better foot pockets, angle, different blade...)
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