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Best place in the world to spearfish. Simple vote

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Jan 1, 2022
I would like to get suggestions from those who have dove all over the world as the best place for spearfishing and a little description as to why. Also a comment in the clarity of the water would be appreciated.
No comments? My vote would be the Bahamas. The water is clear and warm which means no or at list a light wetsuit and you don’t have to dive 100 feet like you do in Hawaii
The Great Barrier Reef is a mecca for underwater adventurers, offering an incredible diversity of marine life and extensive reef systems. The crystal-clear waters provide excellent visibility, allowing spearfishers to spot their targets easily. The reef's protected status also ensures the sustainability of its fish populations.
I do drive all over the world I just recently got back from the Philippines and Thailand and now I'm in Korea.
I find Oahu Hawaii to be extremely fished out which is probably why somebody said you have to dive 100 ft in Hawaii, but I liked Molokai much better and found there were a lot more fish there.

Mexico, just south the Puerto vallarta, was pretty good.
But I would say my favorite would probably be some of the islands around Phuket Thailand.
Of all the above places the Philippines and Thailand you don't need a wetsuit, although I wish I had one for protection carrying it and the extra weight it entails there's a bit of a burden so I usually don't bring one when I go to those two countries.
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