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Best Red Mullet recipe

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New Member
Oct 5, 2007
This is my favourite Red Mullet recipe , nicked from Hugh Utterly-Nutterly's Fish book . You need :-
2 fresh Red Mullet , gutted/scaled but keep livers ,
1 tablespoon olive oil ,
25g unsalted butter ,
1 or 2 cloves garlic , unpeeled ,
1 bay leaf ,
2 finely chopped green olives ,
1 anchovy fillet , finely chopped
1 tablespoon white wine ,
salt & fresh black pepper .
Season the fish , put large pan on medium heat , add oil & butter & garlic & bay leaf .
Add whole fish cook for 8-10 mins , turn & cook for further 6-7 mins or 'till cooked through .
Remove fish and keep warm .
Keep pan on heat , remove garlic & peel then chop , add to olive & anchovy fillet , add this mix to pan with livers & wine .
Saute' for 30 sec's, mash together then smear over skin of the Mullets .
Serve with mash or saute'ed potatoes & nice salad .
This is a strong flavoured dish and could go well with nice beer or an aromatic wine , perhaps a good off dry Riesling from the Rheingau . :friday
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Reactions: Mr. X
Sounds wonderful:p Keen to try Red Mullet. Not sure that I could accurately identify a fish's liver though. What does it look like?
Most good fish mongers will reserve Mullet livers for you , or take it out of the fish if you ask . If doing it yourself , the liver is the thing that looks like a big blood clot , easier to remove with a spoon . Red Mullet liver is delicious , but must be fresh . I can only say this is one of the best recipes I've tried in ages , more so because it's very simple .
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