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best "spearfishing" university in AUS?

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New Member
Nov 4, 2003
I am going to study biology for 6 month in an foreing university.
I would like to go some where with great spearfishing and is there fore considering australia...
I can chose among: australian national uni, Deakin uni, Monash uni, Flinders uni of south australia adelaide, uni of Adelaide, uni of Melnourne, Uni of new south wales, uni of Queensland Brisbane, uni of Sydney, uni of Tasmania and uni of western Aus.
Please help me choose the place with the best spearfishing :thankyou

Best regards johan nielsen denmark
I may be biased as I am from NSW but I would tell you sydney or NSW although Brisbane also has some good spearing as does W.A.
Tasmania,Victoria and Sth Australia/Adelaide are too cold for my liking and Adelaide is a bit sharky a Marine biologist diving there last week was killed by a white pointer-or Great White the area just Sth west of adelaide is where all the cage diving tours to see whites is done and also location of many documentary shoots and even the actual live shark footage for the Jaws movie- There is still a few spearos down there though.
Is the University of Wollongong no good for you? the diving round here is quite good also.
Regards Peter
Try PMing Shadowkiller and Dogmatrix both of them have recently been attending universities in Oz and both are active spearo's Though rumour has it both of them are crap rofl
Only joking
Sorry for my ignorance but where are OZ? tried google with no luck

As for poacher, I will mostly be diving from the coast. Can you tell more about sydney, NSW, brisbane and W.A.?
Like how are the vis. the fishes etc.

In denmark I mostly dive in shallow cold and dirty water with small fishes... So deep clear and warm with big fishes would be my liking :hmm
OZ = abbreviation for Australia, i.e. Aus/OZ. Australians often called Ozzies by us pommies ;-)
well most of the nsw coast has good headlands for spearing and although sydney is a bit over fished compared to other areas, its still pretty good, so any uni in sydney would be fine...

for a nice lifestyle tho and greta spearing, check out the southern cross uni near byron/lismore
Australian National University is in Canberra which is a couple of hours drive from the water. It's also very cold in winter. As mentioned earlier, Sydney is good for spearing, there are many headlands you can spear without needing a boat. There are spearfishing clubs in Sydney that have monthly competitions and all encourage new people. Have a look at the forums on these websites:

Extreme is based in Sydney and has mostly NSW people posting on it, Spearfishing.com.au and Spearfishing.net.au are both based in Brisbane.

As far as universities go, Sydney University and University of NSW are both very well respected. Yugyug's suggestion of Southern Cross University would be great, Southern Cross is a relatively new uni but it is in a fantastic part of Northern NSW, about an hour south of the Queensland border (it's warm most of the year too). They also have a campus at Coffs Harbour, which is about halfway between Sydney and Brisbane. The only issue would be that Southern Cross don't offer as many subjects, and they are not a well recognised University yet.

Anyway, wherever you go, you'll love it.

Sorry for slow response, Benny seems to have answered most of your questions with his links to spearo sites in australia have a look at these sites you will get a good idea of the diving available in different areas
I live near Wollongong which is 100km south of sydney and has very similar conditions average swell is about 0.5m to 1.5m it can be almost zero or bloody huge in extreme variations and visability can vary from about 1m to about 30m or more but is usually between 8m and 20m depending on locations and conditions in summer dec-march water temps are usually around 20-25 degrees C in winter around 16-18 degrees but can get down to 12 or 13 deg at times in some places you can dive up to 30m or more in depth very close to the shore and large kingfish (yellow tail) and even tuna and marlin can be speared by guys diving from the shore
Brisbane is not right on the coast like Sydney but slightly inland on a large Bay The areas on the eastern side of this bay have some good diving and the water is generally a few degrees warmer than Sydney many of the same species of fish can be found here as in Sydney and also a few more tropical species such as spanish mackeral can be found around here.
For more detailed info visit the Extreme website or spearfishing.com.au as described by Benny and look in the sections for each State then have a look in an Atlas and try to find some of the place names and see where they are relative to the Unis your looking at.
Look for Deakin University in Melbourne. I'm guessing it's quite close to the coast, and from what I understand, Melbourne is quite good for spearing. Hell, if I get in for next fall, I might just see you there.
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