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Better Freeze Your Catch

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Seacidal Tendencies
Sep 27, 2005
For those of you who care about the quality of the fish you catch, and are always looking for areas of improvement, here's something you might find interesting. Perhaps even a little hard to swallow?

Reactions: DeepThought

Great point! Perhaps using low level microwaves? Aren't they supposed to heat things from the inside? Except I don't think that applies to frozen items. Oh well, I suppose they're trying to figure something out.

I have seen advanced thawing methods using warm water, though. The thawed fish had been specially frozen (liquid N2) and when acceleration-thawed in the warm water, maintained all of its "just caught" color. It was amazing. So who knows what they might be able to come up with. Have to wait and see. This may be a bunch of hype, or something really innovative. Time will tell.
I can see great potential for weapons systems in this. Excellent for Crowd control. I feel increasingly confident that in the near future order will be fully restored.
Reactions: spaghetti
I can see great potential for weapons systems in this. Excellent for Crowd control. I feel increasingly confident that in the near future order will be fully restored.

Italian technology has an answer to everything: when we wear a brown camo mask it works as a shield against that. They can control the crowd, but they can't control Fondueset and me .
Elios seemed not to know what I was talking about when I asked if they had magnetic shielding available. perhaps the technology is still secret.
Elios seemed not to know what I was talking about when I asked if they had magnetic shielding available. perhaps the technology is still secret.

They're actually testing it on people: last night I went to bed and realized that my wife had been instant-frozen.
But there is no contradiction in this: she's from the low-tech town of Siena.
Traffic in downtown Siena:
They're actually testing it on people: last night I went to bed and realized that my wife had been instant-frozen.
But there is no contradiction in this: she's from the low-tech town of Siena.
Traffic in downtown Siena:

Ah, Palio!

My wife and I climbed up to the top of some tower overlooking the Piazza del Campo. It was a pretty impressive sight.
Wow what an amazing technology. Combination of a NMR machine with a Flash Freezer. This will be awesome to get frozen sushi and have it frozen with no preservatives or starch replacements. I am definately excited. Just think of all the perfectly preserved products from all over the world that we will get to try now at very close to their natural states. Oysters frozen in bags to eat raw, green mangos, raw shrimp (with all the sugars still there), tuna that still bleeds when unfrozen. This will drive the price differences between fresh and frozen goods to almost zero, maybe even negative. Could you imagine paying more for frozen items than fresh? Thats the promises this technology promises. Very exciting times thats for sure.
I'm thinking perhaps it doesn't have to defrost evenly and that all or most of the damage is done on freezing... who knows?
wonder if its a possible household technology or just one for industry.

Sciencemike, I can get raw green mangoes in Norway. You have a huge Thai community in California... no need for fancy freezers there.
Yea Davie but thats because Norway is so f#$in cold things flash freeze the moment they realize where theyre going roflrofl

Back to serious topic of thread, it would be nice if this could be implemented into household items, untill then Ill just eat fish within a month of getting them
Industry wise it would be amazing to get fresh produce from other countries and not have to worry wether its gone to rubber or if its still good to eat...
So its not the defrosting that causes damage. Its the freezing of the items. Heres an explanation from what i understand about the technology and the hazards of freezing.

Ok cells are little bags of goo with sub compartments with really nasty chemicals within them. When you freeze any living thing the water starts to crystallize into ice. These ice shards grow and expand like a frozen soda can or beer bottle in your fridge does, but worse on a microscopic level they form little daggers that rip holes in the bag of goo. This breaks the separation of reactive compartments that life so desperately keeps away from each other. So the end result is you have very reactive chemicals coming in contact with tasty chemicals like fats and sugars. The end result is that even while frozen these chemicals are then reacting and ruining the flavors. Thats where this technology comes in, due to the fact that water is paramagnetic, you can cause the water molecules to orient themselves within a magnetic field. This disrupts the formation of ice daggers (or at least thats what they claim), which keeps all the reactive chemicals within a cell in their special little sacs. Keeping the sugars and fats isolated from chemicals as well from oxygen. The end result the freezing process is more like an extended refrigeration process, only colder and therefore much better.

As for the mangoes, yeah we have them you are right and thanks for pointing that out, thats not what i was intending to mean. I really meant that things will be able to be picked on the day its ripe/unripe and be kept that way for very long time without suffering the losses associated with freezing. So green mangoes in Norway taste like green mangoes in Thailand or Mexico, and not a little bit like cardboard, because they are picked 3 weeks before they are ready so they can be shipped and distributed.
That was what I was thinking... only far less able to explain how I arrived at that lol.

P.S. I know a lot of green mangoes are DHL'ed from Thailand. Still never as good but then I used to grow em and I'm a sentimental one.
My agents have been sent to aquire this technology. When I incorporate it into my Super-Projecto-Ray and load it into my super-ramjet powered Zeppelin, EG-1 (Evil Genius) I will freeze entire populations then move them all around and unfreeze them! I will start in Washington DC by freezing all the politicians and putting them in the wrong bathrooms.. Muahahahahahahahahahaha Muahahahahahahaha... Muahahahaahhaahahahahahhahahmuhahahahahaha..ahum...er ..mooo...ha!
Reactions: DeepThought

But if it becomes ALL girls in the mens DC bathrooms, what reason would Larry Craig have for going in there any more? First the paiges, now the bathroom fun, your evil plans are gonna mess up his last remaining reason for being in Congress, and he might take back, his taken back resignation now.
As long as we are mentioning resignation, I heard today that Dennis Hastert is going to resign before the end of his term. He had previously said that he wouldn't run for reelection, but I wonder why the rush to leave?

I hope Denny isn't expecting trouble from a wide stance too.
Eh, it could be that the party benefits more if he leaves a bit early. The person who comes into office to fill his seat gets seniority over the normally elected officials by a few months. Also they get name recognition from this and the special election that i think follows this. So if he is going to retire anyways, it kinda makes sense to just resign. But im no political buff or anything, so if i am wrong here please speak up.

As for this original thread its pretty much dead now and cryogenically preserved for posterity.
Your theory sounds good to me Mike.

What with pages and restless feet in rest rooms, I'm afraid I've become overly cynical.
I hope this technology would also advance cryogenic sleep, maybe also organ transplants....
Hmm.. good idea; maybe some organ transplants along with the bathroom maneuver.
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