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Beuchat carbone

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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New Member
Aug 2, 2004
I was wondering if anyone had any experience- positive, negative, whatever- with beuchat carbone fins.
On a tangential topic, what does anyone think about rails on the sides of fins. I have never used a pair of fins with rails but just through intuition it kind of seems like they would be beneficial for directing water flow. But I've been wrong before... I am looking for fins because my plastic ones cracked after a couple years of (rough) use, and I noticed a lot of fins have rails or ridges.
Thanks for any thoughts on these questions, or other advice on fins.
I borrowed these fins from a friend and spend a few hours doing recreationnal diving to 25m with them. I was a bit sceptical at first, but after a few dives I got used to their rythm and enjoyed them very much. I really think that they are a good choice, very snappy and easy to use. And not too expensive (250 euros here).
One of my good friends used to have them for years. They offer really good performance while being on the relatively "hard". In one of our latest conversations he was suggesting them for relatively shallow winter dives (upto 25m).
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