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Beuchat comp fins

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AKA Not So Newbie Anymore
Jan 28, 2008

I'm planning on gettnig a new pair of fins pretty soon. Just wondering if anyone has used the beuchat mundial competition fins and how you found them? I'm also possible looking at omer Ice fins, due to them being fairly good for surface swimming. I currently own a second hand pair of Picasso black team fins and they are pretty good, but after about an hour or so of surface swimming my ankles start to hurt. I should probably not bother with new fins as the picasso's are bullet proof, but it's nice to treat yourself every now and then.

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Beuchat Competitions have very good foot pockets (though that's very individual and subjective). I found the competition blades rather stiff at the beginning and difficult for surface swimming, but get used to them after a time. You can also get softer blades for them. And carbon blades are available too - very nicely made, but quite expensive (350€).

I broke a blade after about three years of use. Others who I know use these fins and dive frequently break blades regularly too, but since the plastic blades are rather inexpensive (around 20€ piece), it is not that bad.

The disatvantage may be the different format of the blade, so you won't easily mount blades that are made for the Sporasub / Omer footpockets.
Thanks trux,

Just exactly how do you break a blade? i mean the picasso's I've got seem pretty much indestructable. I guess I could go with the Ice fins as I can get prety much any blade to fit the omer foot pockets if need be?
The blades usually suffer the most when entering water on rocks. The worst is when you do not notice small cracks, and the blade then breaks away when you start forcing in the depth. That's not unique to Beuchats though. It can happen with most other plastic, fiberglass, and carbon fins too.
So if I'm not entering on rocks then I shouldnt have a problem? If I do enter on the rocks I usually carry my fins till i get in deep enough water to put them on with out needing to stand. I'm still very new to the sport but I'm planning on buying a zodiac or tinny so I dont need to worry bout shore dives too much. Plus I have a mate who's got a boat we can dive off near some really good reefs.
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