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Beuchat Mundial Camo 3.5mm

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AKA Not So Newbie Anymore
Jan 28, 2008
Hi all,

Has anyone had any experience with Beuchat wetsuits? I'm loking at getting the 3.5mm Mundial Camo and just wanted to get some feed back from the rest of you. I will be purchasing from outside Australia and have found a very reasonable price with good shipping from apnea.co.uk

yeah I have the Beuchat Mundial Reversible 1.5 very good wetsuit I love it even though it's my 1st wetsuit & i have nothing to compare it to but man let me tell you It's very good I wish i would had gotten the cammo green but it's kinda out of my range in money right now + it's a 3.5 here in miami 3.5 it's that that good.
My beuchat suits fit well have the 3.5 reversable and my favorite is my 7cm fits like a glove no regrets good luck in your search. I purchased my thru Scuba Store good service high shipping cost.