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Bi-fins for tall thin people

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Joshua Ocean

New Member
Jul 7, 2006

I am seeking to upgrade my bi-fins from the unmarked beat-up hand-me-down feet-cutting set I use now, and I am wondering if anyone has recommendations.

I understand from what I've read that tall thin people should opt for more flexible blades. I'm about 6'2" (187cm) tall and about 145 lbs (66kg). I am strong in a wiry kind of way, and in good shape.

I'm not out to set any world records, but I would like something for the -30 to -50 meter range. I am considering the Cressi-sub Gara 3000 LD (Grey) fins. Any suggestions you have would be much appreciated!

Thanks, ~Joshua
Hi Joshua, i Think you must think seriously in use Fiber Fins (Fiberglass or Carbon) due the depth range are trying to get.

You need long fins, about 75-85 cm, not too wide, 19-22 cm, in soft-medium stiffness, however there are many people here qualyfied and be able to sugest you good options.

Best regards, Luis
There is a real long fin thread that pretty much has every bit of info you are looking for. Just do a search and you should get a good idea on what to buy.

off topic

6'2 and 145 lbs? Check out this site. There is tons of info on nutrition, working out, putting on mass, ect.. I learned a lot from this site

I'm 6'1" and 155 lbs. The best stiffness depends alot on how long you spend in the water and how deep you go. Given the depth you are talking about, you might want to consider two sets of blades for different depth.
IMHO, soft to medium is better, at least for us skinny guys. The cressis sound ok, but might be a little soft for deeper than 30 m. I used gara 2000hfs (a hard blade) for years; they were fine at least down to 30 m. Switched to hybrids (hard). Then went softer to kelpie mediums and then to waterways #2. The progression is softer and softer. However, all my diving is 35 m or less, long duration in the water. For short duration, real deep diving (40-50 meters) hard is probably better: but for anything 30 m or less, go softer. For deep water, fiberplastic or carbon is worth paying for.

Be real careful of the foot pockets. Lots of info here on different brands, but it is critical that the pocket fit your foot.

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