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Biggest Bass

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Hi Mucko, biggest I know of was speared by a spearo called Umut in the Marmara sea, near Istanbul. It weighed 9.466 kilos. A photo of it can be seen on the Medfish forum in the hall of fame section.(google medfish)
There is some controversy about spearing big fish as most of them are breeding females. Most males don't go above 5lbs in this country. I suppose that unless a fish is a personal best or a record of some kind, it's probably best to target fish in the 3 to 5 pound range for the pot.
19lb 11oz 12dr beauty from Sandown Pier, Isle of Wight


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For biggest speared bass, google "medfish" and go to hall of fame. I forgot to say that the thread you want is dicentrarchus labrax. Page 3.
Hi Mucko, biggest I know of was speared by a spearo called Umut in the Marmara sea, near Istanbul. It weighed 9.466 kilos. A photo of it can be seen on the Medfish forum in the hall of fame section.(google medfish)

They have been speared quite a bit bigger than that, Hugh Dessault had one of over 13kgs near Marseille, and Esclapez has had them up to 12kg in the same area. There have been several over 10kg speared in the Med, mainly around Marseille

Spearguns by Spearo uk ltd finest supplier of speargun, monofins, speargun and freediving equipment
Dave, what are the biggest ones you know of speared in UK or Ireland? Both past and present?
The European ones seem bigger than we'll ever get here.
An old forum member Alison saw one she reckoned to be about 10Kg a few years ago on a reef off Anglesey. She was a good judge of size so I would tend to believe that estimate. I had a 15lb fish last year and I think I've heard that a 27lb fish was caught in a net somewhere on the south coast, anyone confirm that?
Strewth dude if I had caught one that big I would go see Kat from Miami ink & get it tattooed on me forehead!
I know Willpower on this forum has had a 15lber in dorset.In fact its his avitar...
First off a disclaimer. This is all from my rather dubious memory. British spearo record is/was 19+lb caught by Colin Howse (?) in the '60's. Euro/world(?) spearo record was 29lb from south of France (Med). Biggest bass speared in Guernsey was 17+lb by Ray Tostevin in the '70's. Biggest bass landed in Guernsey was commercial line bass of about 25lb. Quite a few over 20lb have been landed and officially weighed. British shore and boat angling records are 19+lb.

I think we may be very lucky up here in that although the season may be much shorter than down south we do get our fair share of the bigger fish. Over the last few years we have been lucky enough to land a good few decent Bass. Mind you Tecdave was diving with us last year (I think) and we both missed the same 12(ish)pounder, me at point blank range rofl I'll never live that down.

We also have a 15lb ish Mullet swimming about around one of the local reefs. I saw it mid summer, Heds saw it a few weeks ago and I found out that another local saw it during the summer too. None of us have taken a shot at it, just too handsome a fish :)
29lb? Jeez now that's a fish :)
UK spearo record for Bass is just over 19lbs taken by Colin House in 1970 from a sunken barge in Portland harbour, so the story goes. I've heard from others that it might have come from elsewhere in the Portland area, secret spots 'n all ;-).
Sunken Barge, Portland Harbour, never heard of it???roflrofl
Colin House's 19lb 3 oz fish was taken from the Ham wreck in Portland harbour in 1970 . As Spaniard says, there is some controversy about whether that is actually where it was shot........... Aparently it had a 1.5lb crab in its stomach!
I know of 2 other fish over 17lb which have been speared, Tony Webber had one of 17lb and a bit at Old Harry Rocks in the 80s, and Mike Bradshaw had a 17.5lb from the west side of Bill Point in the mid 90s.
Steve Batten had a 16.5lb fish in Sussex this year. Sussex is a hotspot for big bass. The late John Darling, the angling writer who popularised live mackerel as a bait for bass, had 165 fish over 10lb in one season from Sussex waters before he stopped counting! I know several boat anglers who have had bass over 17lb from a particular spot
Pastor- what time of year did you shoot your 15lber? It would be interesting to know if your big fish tend to show at the same time as in Sussex

Spearguns by Spearo uk ltd finest supplier of speargun, monofins, speargun and freediving equipment
It was after we came back from Egypt last year so it must have been towards the end of August. The 12lb range fish that Tecdave and myself both missed was much earlier say mid July? The local anglers say they catch the biggest ones in September but I haven't been able to do that much diving at that time of year in the past so I can't offer any info there.

A 1 1/2 pound crab rofl I'd be stuffed! can you imagine eating a burger that size :yack
Actually I got that wrong sorry it was a 12lb fish gutted and scaled and it was much later in the year, it was after I got back from work one evening so it would have been sometime in September then at a guess, on a super low spring tide.
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