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Biggest Bass

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Did you see that Heston Bloominthingy's perfect burger program a while ago with the inline meat fibres and the homemade cheese slices? OMG Food porn
Ah ha! A link!
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Yes I think he might have been checking out the Oyster Beds for a quick snack then Mr Biggie popped up rofl
Would that be Mr Biggie the oyster farmer?? rofl
I speared a bass which I sold later on, gutted and it was 9Kg little over.. got it from Budleigh South Devon..

Reactions: Pastor
Pekka man long time no see :friday That was probably a British record rofl I like your priorities.

It's against the law to sell speared fish in the UK BTW, you back home now? See I'm thinking about any reward money for turning you in bro rofl
Not the whole UK, perfectly legal to sell shore caught fish in Guernsey.
Pekka have you any photos?
Lawless well may be but very courteous, they’ve got a traffic system like no other” filter in turn”.
It’s a bit like a roundabout were YOU HAVE TO GIVE WAY!!! Everybody should try it it’s a real eye opener and it works not like over here where it’s every man for himself!!:martial:crutchrofl
Yeh we can use a filter no problems (traffic light junctions actually work better when the lights are broken because everyone just filters automatically!) but show half our drivers a proper roundabout and they haven't got a clue!
Yeh we can use a filter no problems (traffic light junctions actually work better when the lights are broken because everyone just filters automatically!)

Not in Bristol, London, Birmingham etc ect.
You show a moment of weakness anywhere there mate and that’s it you’re history!:korofl
I don't have any photos of it on my computer.. the only photo I took of it is still on my old LG phone... and the phone died pretty much some time ago.. Bloody non-Nokia phones break like spaghetti...

And yes I am in Finland now... but in case you want to turn me in.. I w'll be back for some time next year late summer for my wifes graduation.. she'll get her PhD.. hopefully..

Ha! Can't turn you in unless you gave a receipt
The missus is finishing her research soon then? Bet she's pulling her hair out just about now?
So some bloke told me that he rekond the "pier" record was caght in weymouth for a bass was 28lb!!!! He got prityy upset when i douted him so he seem to be telling it straight.
Yes she is writing up... down the whole thing at the moment.. I try to stay out of the way and keep quiet... dream of fishing and so on.. The spearing scene here is absolute catastrophe... I live surrounded by the sea... which is either frozen over or muddy that I would need a toothpick-size gun and sleeping fish or have sonar for fishing..

rofl I can imagine, I was like a bear with a sore head when I was writing my thesis up, it was like a long tantrum rofl It's a great day when you finally hit the print button and submit, try to be around that day mate bugger the spearfishing!

Never mind, summer will soon be here
Unusual Catches & Sightings (A article from Crystal Clear Mag 2004)

CONGER A 210lb conger was landed by a commercial boat at Falmouth, Cornwall in 1990

FLOUNDER A 7lb 2oz flounder was caught in a gill net at Aberdovey, Gwynedd in 1983.

HAMMERHEAD A hammerhead shark 13.5 feet long was caught commercially at lfracombe, Devon in 1865.

PLAICE - A commercial boat off Hastings landed a 20lb plaice in 1994.

SAILFISH A 7.5 foot sailfish was stranded at Yealm Estuary, Devon in 1928. This the only recorded sailfish in North European waters.

SIX-GILLED SHARK A 26 foot six-gill landed in Polperro, Cornwall in 1846.

SWORDFISH A 130lb swordfish (8.5 feet long) was caught in a salmon net in Bantry Bay in 1950. A Broadbill was sighted jumping off Clovelly, N. Devon by a yachtsman in April 1995.

THRESHER A 500lb thresher was caught by a Yarmouth boat in summer 1869. The fish was 14 feet long. Also Matthew Lear writes
I was fishing at Hopes Nose in Torbay, South Devon during the summer of '91 for mullet. A fisherman came over the rocks and started lobbing out a six-ounce weight with a string of feathers using a beachcaster. He was pulling in mackeral for half an hour, which had spooked any mullet that I hoped to catch. On one of his casts he complained of catching in some rocks, which wasn't possible as the spot he was fishing was shale and sand. Then about sixty yards out a young thresher Shark leapt from the water with a string of feathers dangling from his mouth. The line promptly broke as the fish entered the water and the man was left there with a rather shocked face, I would have estimated the fish at between sixty and eighty pounds.

BassTwo fish were bought into Partridges wholesalers in 1993, caught in the same trammel net off Newhaven they weighing 28 & 29lbs.
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