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biggest jack so far

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Jul 5, 2005
nailed this guy yesterday afternoon, its a really popular eating fish around these parts, but so far this is only the 2nd one ive seen while diving, the shot was about 8 foot from the speartip, he ran off about 35 feet of line then started swimming sideways, i worked my way down to him, got my hand on the spear, flipped him upside down and brained him. he weighed 11 1/2 lbs


  • jack crevalle.jpg
    101.2 KB · Views: 183
A nice sized Atlantic horse-eye jack. They fight a lot if not well speared.
Excellent, I would like to taste one of those horse eyes.
a lot of people dont like em, but they are popular here in barbados, firm meat, decent flavor
Ted Budion got a nice blue trevally in the pacific, he told us that the
meat was good, in ceviche, and I did not believe it, but
once we tasted it, it was really, really good, so
I look at jacks on a diferent way now.
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