I've been doing some playing around for the past week trying to build a monofin. So far with pretty much zero success. I saw on one of the website that they are supposedly using fiberglass for the blade. Is that correct??? It seems like fiberglass would be WAY to stiff for what you would want out of a diving blade, a boat maybe but not the fin blade. Carbon fiber would be the same I would think. Where am I missing the picture.
Right now, I'm starting to ask the question if I'm trying to make way to flexible of a blade. You guys almost seem to want to indicate that. The stiffer blades that I have made and used, just to weak and porous to be of any use, have been much harder to move about with than the more flexible blades.
I've been thinking about toying with the notion of using Tupperware plastic and somehow reinforcing it to give more stiffness/create channels. Admittedly, it's trying to find a piece big enough to make into a fin is one decent sized problem right now.
I've tried two separate footpockets so far and actually like both of them. I probably like the side by side vs the one pocket unit. I guess I still should try putting some padding in the single pocket unit so the bone on the big toes don't want to 'poke' into each other. I was going to try the concept of cycling shoes since I don't use my cycling shoes for cycling anymore but it kinda got cross-threaded when I tried. A sweet idea turned sour. I was thinking that idea before I ever saw this forum category.
Also, I've noticed that it is way far easier to get the blade to move underwater than at the surface. Should this be the case?
Right now, I'm starting to ask the question if I'm trying to make way to flexible of a blade. You guys almost seem to want to indicate that. The stiffer blades that I have made and used, just to weak and porous to be of any use, have been much harder to move about with than the more flexible blades.
I've been thinking about toying with the notion of using Tupperware plastic and somehow reinforcing it to give more stiffness/create channels. Admittedly, it's trying to find a piece big enough to make into a fin is one decent sized problem right now.
I've tried two separate footpockets so far and actually like both of them. I probably like the side by side vs the one pocket unit. I guess I still should try putting some padding in the single pocket unit so the bone on the big toes don't want to 'poke' into each other. I was going to try the concept of cycling shoes since I don't use my cycling shoes for cycling anymore but it kinda got cross-threaded when I tried. A sweet idea turned sour. I was thinking that idea before I ever saw this forum category.
Also, I've noticed that it is way far easier to get the blade to move underwater than at the surface. Should this be the case?