I took my buddy out bug hunting couple times last week. He is very new and i kept a eye on him just to make sure he was cool ....night time and all imagination trips you out ya know.
So this is what he tells me couple days later.
He said he was cleaning his ear after shower and there was blood inside his ear..
Now when i heard this i wasnt prepared to give him explanation , i read my FREEDIVE by terry maas , found some reason why maybe this happened. Im gonna be passing that book to him asap , so he can understand the phisyology of freedive, clearing ears , etc.
But that concerend me , he claims maybe he popped some tiny blood vessels and wrote it off. My feelings are he doesnt know how to properly clear his ears and ....well im not sure . I have brought this up in another forum and they say , send him to doctor . My buddy felt no pain and hasnt felt any discomfort.
Maybe some of you on here have a better knowledge and expierence with this type of thing. Input would be great.
thanks chad
So this is what he tells me couple days later.
He said he was cleaning his ear after shower and there was blood inside his ear..
Now when i heard this i wasnt prepared to give him explanation , i read my FREEDIVE by terry maas , found some reason why maybe this happened. Im gonna be passing that book to him asap , so he can understand the phisyology of freedive, clearing ears , etc.
But that concerend me , he claims maybe he popped some tiny blood vessels and wrote it off. My feelings are he doesnt know how to properly clear his ears and ....well im not sure . I have brought this up in another forum and they say , send him to doctor . My buddy felt no pain and hasnt felt any discomfort.
Maybe some of you on here have a better knowledge and expierence with this type of thing. Input would be great.
thanks chad