im based in bermuda and spearguns are illegal all together, i do a lot of spearing on the reef here and in the last 6 times out got 6 grouper between 40 and 100lbs, i want to break in to blue water but not sure what kinda distance you need. we get HUGE schools of YFtuna, wahoo, dolphin and blue marlin (the most common in out waters), also get the rare BFtuna in the winter. im currently gettting a spear made that would have about a 12 foot range on it. would this be enough? i currently got a henley spear with a detachable tip i was going to go straight to a nilon line attached to a float.
advice would be great on float set up..and lenght of line.. i was going to use about 100feet of yellow nylon attacted to a wire lead and to the tip.. with a boat bumper i was thinking about filling with foam (one of the cylender ones about 8 inch in diamiter) would this work?
any help would be great. thanks
advice would be great on float set up..and lenght of line.. i was going to use about 100feet of yellow nylon attacted to a wire lead and to the tip.. with a boat bumper i was thinking about filling with foam (one of the cylender ones about 8 inch in diamiter) would this work?
any help would be great. thanks
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