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Bocas spearing-contest 2007

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.


New Member
Oct 1, 2007
Hi all,

In october 27 , 2007 we organise our first spearfish-contest here around the islands from Bocas del Toro !!!
Next year there will be three ! Two normal and one final two-day in a very exotic place !
For the first time ever here !
Who wants to measure himself against the local hunters here?:martial
Contact us for more information !

| Heliconiidae.com | by globalvision.be
Hi all,

In october 27 , 2007 we organise our first spearfish-contest here around the islands from Bocas del Toro !!!
Next year there will be three ! Two normal and one final two-day in a very exotic place !
For the first time ever here !
Who wants to measure himself against the local hunters here?:martial
Contact us for more information !

| Heliconiidae.com | by globalvision.be

Hola Strouwen

Thanks for that link etc. I heard that properties are a good buy in Panama right now, tax-free, easy for foreigners to buy, safe, etc etc. Welcome to Deeperblue. :)
Thank you for the reply,and yes buying properties is a good investment here.
Greetings from Bocas !
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