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Boosting my woody's performance

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Spearing Port A

New Member
Jun 13, 2006
I live in Texas and bought a jbl sawed-off woody magnum. it works great when diving around the jetties shooting snapper and sheepshead but just doesnt have the power to take the cobia, barracuda, and jack fish at the rigs off shore. i went and bought new rubbers for it before i looked much into it. the rubbers are thicker and therefore stronger than the stock rubbers that came with the gun. after talking to some experienced "old timers" they pretty much told me that the gun sucks for shooting bigger fish. some younger friends of mine i and i myself dont believe this to be true.

new bands would make the gun much stronger but i am afraid that the trigger mechanism will screw up because the stock one is not made for the increase power the bands put into the gun. does anybody know where i could find help to get an after market trigger with the carbide tips that could handle the strain. i really like the gun and dont want to have to hang it up on the wall this soon.:naughty

Port A rofl
I keep getting spam emails telling you how to get more performance for your WOODY
On a more serious note,
You won't need carbide tips in a trigger mate and the JBL trigger should handle 2 5/8" rubbers .
I am not familar with the Sawed off woody,how long is the barrel from the front to the trigger ? if you want to be serious about getting fish in clear water with shots more than about 6 feet from the end of the spear the barrel should be atleast 40" long and go for a spear with an Hawiaiian style flopper for more speed and penetration than a screw on tip.
If the barrel is shorter than this your better off building another gun and keep this one for dirty water or caves.
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