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Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Fish killer
Oct 31, 2005
Hi guys, just wanted to have a little brag about shooting my first dhu fish on the weekend.

He was hiding in a cave in about 10m of water and presented me with an easy shot almost as soon as I'd seen him. I hit a little high and had to argue with him a bit to keep him from ducking deeper into his cave, but the shot held and I bought a 10-12kg dhuey up to the boat and had a great dinner.
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Congrats, !!!!!!!

Nothing like fresh Dhuwfish, Once you have nailed one its easy.

Shot on myself on Saturday only about 8kg, will have him pan fried with lemon tonight. Yumm

A hint, they are very curious fish so if you just hang and dont look and them they will often come over and check you out, but the Big ones 18kg+ you have to stone or they will go into a cave and its hard work getting them out

Thanks Crusty, I'll have to come spearing with you guys soon.

Did you have any luck with crays on the weekend? Out of about 7 or 8 crays we pulled out, only one didn't have eggs or tar spot.
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Yep know that feeling.

I didnt see on the whole day but i wasnt really looking for them
The crays are Crap this year i have not heard of anyone getting their quoter.

I was at Rotto 2 weeks ago and all i got was girlies with eggs, just have to wait a few more weeks till they come back in.


My wife went to the fish shop yesterday and Dhuwfish was $49.50 a kilo
Your 10kg Dhuwy certainly paid for its self

Im boating for a team in the Rotto Swim this weekend, 1300 succulent morsoles swimming 19km to Rotto should keep the White Pointers fed for a while.

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