Hi Dolphin Gang,
WaterRat here. I'm completely unfamiliar with underwater hockey, except I've had it recommended a couple of times to keep in shape. I've never seen it played, I'm not totally sure what all it involves.
I just like slow, relaxed Dynamics. No performance pressure. No WR chasing. I also like my Statics the same way.
I'm not a Comp diver. Rec is my style.
I do love my little experiments, done purely for fun.
Like: Focus on a certain Number of minutes during the entire Static. See how close I come.
Like: Go down and just let my mind wander. Examine the nicks in the swimming pool walls. Right before surfacing, guess how long I was down.
First experiment: I focused on 3 minutes. Got 3 minutes.
Second experiment: I guessed 2 minutes. Got 4 minutes.
Of course it's the coolest when I play Humpback Whale Song in my mind while doing whatever. That's when the dolphins come around. Sometimes it seems they're really there.
Oh yeah!!! MY BREATHE-UP! A few long, slow, breaths and down. I like relaxed.
WaterRat (Not that 17-year-old kid whose life goal was to beat Robert L. Foster and enter Guinness. I've had 30 years to think about it!....Prefer the WR on page 426, 1976 Issue. I've often wondered what Robert L. Foster thinks of the Freedive World now!)