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BSAC and Spearfishing

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Mar 6, 2004
Dont know if anyone is interested but Ive been going through my old logbooks tonight and in the lecture programm, lecture no 12 was.............. Yup you guessed it "Spearfishing" rofl
How times have changed :duh
Hmm, Bsac IMHO have a very inflexible and somewhat blinkered approach to spearfishing now... BTW when do those logbooks date from?
rofl my training book is from 1974, ironically there is a logged dive with Horace Dobbs in it rofl if only he knew ;)
I think a lot of people would be surprised at how spearfishing has changed in the years since it became "persona non grata".
many of the current breed of spearos are very conservation minded and don't shoot more than they need.
A lot of the problem is the fact that BSAC teaching hasn't moved with the times in being able to recognise spearfishing for what it is ,Possibly the most selective form of fishing that exists.
The Irish equivalent of BSAC, The Irish Underwater Council (CFT) aren't much better IMHO. I find this quite ironic since they are affiliated to CMAS-who are a major sponsor of Spearfishing competitions worldwide!
I recently read in their quarterly magazine, SUBSEA that some scuba divers were recently nabbed by the fuzz for collecting scallops in Donegal! (Shellfish on scuba is illegal under Irish Law).
seamunki said:
I recently read in their quarterly magazine, SUBSEA that some scuba divers were recently nabbed by the fuzz for collecting scallops in Donegal! (Shellfish on scuba is illegal under Irish Law).

..is that applicable in England and Wales? Just curious.
I heard a while back that it in Scotland you needed to apply for a licence to collect shelfish by any diving means, Im shure someone will have more info on that than me.
IFAIK taking shellfish on scuba is perfectly legal in England and Wales.
So is spearfishing.
seamunki said:
The Irish equivalent of BSAC, The Irish Underwater Council (CFT) aren't much better IMHO. I find this quite ironic since they are affiliated to CMAS-who are a major sponsor of Spearfishing competitions worldwide!
Don't get me started on that crowd! I had a "full and frank discussion" with a woman on the end of a phone regarding spearfishing. let me just say that the level of ignorance was staggering.
enough said.
CFT is for the most part, a voluntary organisation and that is not necessarily a good thing in diving!

All those little bureaucrats fighting to be heard.. :ko
I started suba in 1976 and it was just banned then by BSAC , and as for shell fish i once heard that it was not illegal to nick crabs and lobsters from pots if you did not damage the pot in any way ?? :duh
Thankfully "nicking" crabs and lobsters from fishermens pots is regarded as theft in the UK, there have been a number of cases of successful prosecutions over the last few years. Its the fishermans bread and butter thats been stolen, how would you like it if your wages were "nicked"?
:waterwork lets not get all moral and high and mighty, i was only saying that i have heard this, I would not bother with crabs in pots as they are to small and as we know fishermen only catch undersize shellfish ,just look in your local fishmongers you would not bother picking them up if you saw them at sea.
Heres a moral puzzle for you a big fat billy bass swims pass you and you shoot it ,but at the same time it take the bate on a fishing line ,Who owns the fish ? Is it yours because its on your spear? or the fishermans because its on his line ?????? :ko
I wasnt intending to sound high and mighty but seeing as you have been diving as long as me you should be more tha aware that this is a very sore topic in the UK that has caused some very ugly incidents
Sorry Alison I was not having a go at you and i will not get on my soap box but about fishermen .
Buy the way i have just seen your picture Is that a hoodi ? it must be very cold ! :p
LOL its my coat, with a fleece underneath and a wooly jumper under that, it was freezing rofl
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