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Bungee on reelgun

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New Member
Aug 15, 2002
I was thinking about putting a bungee on my reelgun. The gun is a 110 Rabitech Stealth. Would this be the proper way to set it up? Is it a waste of time?




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Looks pretty nice to me.

But why the reel? Ive got a 110 Ra and floatline which works awesome...

btw what is your homepage URL?

In my mind, (yeah, I know...:duh ) a reel gun doesn't need or require the use of a bungie, unless - you're using the bungie as a shock absorber for the fish's struggles and/or you see yourself swapping the use of the reel while you're out there because you get fed up with dicking around with all that line... :head

wouldnt the drag on the reel be a shock absorber in itself? As the fish pulls it pays out line vs as the fish pulls the bungie stretches:confused:
I normally try not to use the reel, I dont shoot fish big enough to need it very often. The couple of times I have actually used it have been when the fish has holed up and I have had the leave the fish down on the bottom. I like the comfort of knowing my gun is still up at the surface should something go wrong down there.

I know all that can be accomplished with using a float, but I just dont really like dragging one around, it sorta annoys me.

The main reason for the bungee would be to take some of the shock off the reel mount. I normally have the drag set very tight, which is the way I like it. It jerks on reel which over time moves it on the gun. I didnt think there was enough stretch in that size of a bungee to keep soft bodied fish like mackerel from ripping off though.

Originally posted by dustin
I normally have the drag set very tight, which is the way I like it. It jerks on reel which over time moves it on the gun.
Dustin [/B]

...and there's your answer.

so its basically just a shooting line rigged to the gun with a bungee, and a backup reel...should work fine. Especially for what it sounds like you are using it for.
He's got the reel cranked up so tight Mike, that it's just holding more shooting line in reserve and thus can use the bungie much the same as if there were no reel, just the couple of wraps of shooting line.

thats what I meant...pordon my languistic shortcomings...:eek:

I too have the 110cm Rabitech w/ a reel. I've found that if you're not hitting big fish and don't really want to engage in the use of the reel, get a light snap swivel. Don't use it as terminal tackle, but more as a release mechanism when you have a little more tug than normal.

Many of the higher quality reels shouldn't really have their drag's wrenched down all the way all the time. Not the best idea. :blackeye You'll notice an impact in performance when you decide to loosen it and fight a decent fish. :(

The snap idea, with the use of your bungee, should also keep your reel from moving. :t

Good luck,

If I see correctly that is a 150-200 pound rated snap/clip on the gun muzzle before the short bungie. Try not to use fishing gear stuff on speargun. I used those type ( Sampo brand 150# ) once and it got straigtened by a mere 5-8 kg trevaly. If say part of the line that has the snap get stuck on a rock and the fish still pulling the shaft.......that's it.

Good Luck
IMHO, the bungee isn't needed. I shoot a 110 esclapez w/ a reel. Like you most of the time it's not needed but when it is, it sure is handy. I'm not sure how your reel is mounted but maybe a little friction tape or something like that between the mount and the barrel would help. You could also tiewrap the swivel side of your clip to the line guide. Then there wouldn'y be any pull on your reel until you shot a big fish or one holed up and you break the tiewrap and then fight the fish w/ the reel. If you keep the drag tightened down it's almost a given you won't be able to loosen it when you shoot that monster and he's dragging you into the depths.
With the omer reel, even if I have the drag tightenend down as hard as I can, you can still pull line off of it. Even when shooting a smaller fish, I will still get an inch or two pulled out. I know that most of that line is pulled off when the shaft hits the end of the line. If I did shoot a bigger fish, it wont run so hard or so fast that I wont be able to hold on, the reel (the way I have it adjusted) is not that tight.

Iyadiver, that snapclip is what came with the gun. It doesnt have a swivel on it.

Andrson, what reel do you have on your gun, and how did you keep it from moving around on the barrel?

Dustin, like any drag system used in fishing gear, back off the drag all the way while in storage to prolong the life of the drag.
Originally posted by dustin
Andrson, what reel do you have on your gun, and how did you keep it from moving around on the barrel?


I have the OMER pelagic as well. I put down two pieces of hard rubber where the clamp would hit the barrel. I haven't had a problem w/ the reel moving around, though. :hmm

Jay, your cable tie theory is pretty much my snap swivel theory. It's just that you don't have to keep replacing the swivel every time you hit a fish. Just re-snap it. :t You know, the swivels that don't have the locking snaps? :confused:

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