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Buoy for Free Immersion/Variable ?

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2001
Hi folks! I'm planning to do some free immersion and variable weight, in a lake.

How much weight do you use on the rope?

In FI, do you keep a weightbelt on you?

What system, or setup do you use?

Currently i have a big tire and a rope (on a rope roll). Usually 4kg on the rope, which i use for cw.
Did some variable, using around 12kg on the rope, but pulling up the weight was a pain in the ass, and for FI i need even more!
I sometimes use a 30 litre buoy, and I think it is the absolute minimum to do it comfortably. I would prefer double that.

15-20 kg on the bottom. For shallow dives, thin suit or not doing full inhale, you might get away with 10-15kg. But less than 10 I would find too little. I use 2kg on my belt...

For deeper dives, I don't consider this safe, because it is virtually impossible to bring that up with just muscle power in case of emergency.
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Hmmm, yeah, but has anyone a good mechanism for pulling up all that weight?

Will a boogieboard carry so much?

My car tire/tube can easily handle the weight, but i'd like something streamlined, specially when i add weight.
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