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C02 tables vs. 02 tables

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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All tables are a little different. Pellizarri tables use 50% of max for CO2 and start of O2 with a 3 min vent. You are doing a shorter and maybe harder version. After 2 years of 'tables', I'm beginning to question their effectiveness for static training and 2 months of doing back-to-back 90% statics (with 3 minutes between) seems to have reduced my max. More and more I believe that you get better at what you practice
E-mail me at kv6j@hawaii.rr.com if you need the formulae, the math work up or anything.
What is more interesting, some CO2 tables go down to 15 seconds and one only to 75 seconds. I made all my best gains with a twice weekly workout of 1 minute vent/1 minute static, 2/2, 3/3, 4/4, 5/5, 6/6, 7/max.

For your 1/1 2/2 3/3 routine, does an N-minute ventilation include the recovery time from the previous static? Or do you first recover for 30 seconds, then begin the N-minute ventilation?

Eric Fattah
BC, Canada
N includes recovery. The clock runs continuously. On your suggestion, I tried limiting the time between statics to 4 minutes, including recovery. There seems to be very little, if any, difference between N=4 and N=7 but N=3 reduces my max by 10%+/-. All statics are dry.
Thankfully, my problem had dissippated before it evolved into a full-scale "4:10 complex". In fact, just today I have managed to perform 4:24 rather easily, by following one and only general rule. And that being, not looking at the timer. I've already noticed that as soon as I do, my heart rate jumps quite a bit and remains there. Obviously thoughts such as "Just a minute remains, I got to hold on tight" seem to trigger the "fight-or-flight" neural\hormonal response rather easily, not to mention their effect on disrupting concentration.

The option for vocal notification is present in those tables for a reason. Hence, my advice would be to use it if you don't do so yet.

My sincere thanks to W3AC for encouragement on his part. After all, we're speaking about one of the few sports where positive attitude actually does count.

- Levi.
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Sorry for interrupting your discussion by a rather stupid question: What exactly are `tables`? How do they work? I`m really interested in serious training but do not know anything about it. My routine is like 5mins easy breathing to get calm, then 1:00 static, some mins rest, 1:20, rest, 1:40, rest, 2:20, rest, max attempt, rest...

Started on freediving couple of weeks ago, I don`t have friends who freedive to ask, so unfortunately I have to stick this forum...

Keep holding! Joe
Levi: No problem. We all could use some encouragement. BTW don't be shy about using that karma button.

Joe: You got the idea about the O2 table. You can tweak with the hold time/recovery interval to customize it to your individual needs or skill.

Brad :martial
It works!!!

Thanks! Took your advice right away and did a breathe-up consisting of 8 holding units, increasing by 15sec-increments and 1:30 rest periods in between... The whole thing took about 30mins and after that I went on to 3 max attempts (result: pb now 3:17). Completely new feeling, it was easy and relaxed!

Now, as that was an O2-table, what`s an CO2-table???

Sorry for my bunch of questions, but I`m really curious to find out how to train properly...

Regards Joe

Sorry lads, in the heat of enthusiasm about new pb I forgot to check the posts made earlier before asking my questions... Svilko already answered my questions unawaredly! Thanks, mate "O2" is increasing holding time, same resting time, "CO2" is same holding time but decreasing rest, got it...

I`ll try the CO2-thing next time...

Cheers to all of you!