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C4 Flap or No Flap?

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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New Member
Mar 16, 2004
I am looking to get a pair of C4 blades and am wondering if I should get the Flap or the Falcon? I have not used either, so am interested to hear any input from those who have.

Also, anyone had any problems with these fins suctioning to the wall on dynamics, my current fins suction really bad (or maybe it is my technique).
industrialwater said:
I am looking to get a pair of C4 blades and am wondering if I should get the Flap or the Falcon? I have not used either, so am interested to hear any input from those who have.

I have no personal experience with either fins, but according to the manufacturer's website, Flaps should be better (more advanced design) than Falcons. I assume they are also more expensive. Read more about the differences on the above links.

industrialwater said:
Also, anyone had any problems with these fins suctioning to the wall on dynamics, my current fins suction really bad (or maybe it is my technique).

That's indeed your technique. You should not be kicking the wall when turning. Although some freedivers do so, mostly people do a more complex turn that begins by the hand, pivoting the body, folding knees, and then when you are turned, you do not kick the wall, but rather straighten the knees, making so a downward dolphin kick - the fins will gently stroke the wall by their upper side, from up to down, in the moment you already move forwards (pushed by the hand), creating so no suction effect as it happens when you kick the wall by the bottom of the feet / fins. Try watching some videos of competitors with bi-fins in dynamic apnea. You will find plenty links in my Freediving Video Collection. Though not all of the competitors do the turn in the way I described. I recommend watching some of the bigger names - the turn styles often differ, so you may want to try couple of them before you find the style that fits you best.
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