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C4 Monoscocca

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Jun 13, 2003
Hiya guys

Just received my C4 Monoscocca gun. Absolutely stunning work of art. I ordered my 115cm with a 18mm omer rubber and a 7.1mm spear as well as a 6.75mm spear as a back-up. Gun came fitted with a reel as standard. Will test it out tommorow on some yellowtail:D :D :D


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COOOOOL! thats one of my favorite guns, take some detailed photos Miles. Happy hunting with it.

Nice gun Miles I hope it works out for you, in one of our magazines an italian guy was using the 130 version and was very happy with it :cool:

Hey Miles,

Congrats on the new gun. I have heard many good things and only one bad thing about that gun (other thatn the price :D)

See if you confirm the same. Let us know how it goes.
Hello Miles,
Very handsome gun.I will be waiting for further information..
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Got to test the 115cm C4 out yesterday. Firstly, the gun is absolutely stunning. Really more a work of art than a gun!!! Spent plenty of time explaining to my buddies how wicked the gun was. Jumped into the water right after my buddy shot a 13kg yellowtail. Used my 115cm Rabitech Carbon Apex with omer 100 reel. Shot a couple of reef fish up to about 4kg's. Then decided to take the c4 in and test it out.

The c4 has 18mm omer bands on but was harder to load than my 115cm rabitech. Wasn't much of a problem though. The line release clip was a bit fiddly at the begining but i soon got used to it. Loading the spear is similar to my rabitechs. It needs a good shove to get the spear in the mech.(very easily done)

The actual shooting: I was using a 7.1mm spear and the spear was much faster than my 7mm spear on my rabitech with 20mm rubbers. Those 18mm omer are really very good. Gun is extremely light in the water and lateral tracking is a pleasure. Trigger is very sensitive, even more sensitive than my picasso's.

Accuracy, well 4 shots, 4 fish, 2 of which were kill shots. Very impressive. It shoots just as accurate as my Rabitech railguns, even though it doesn't have a rail.

The downside of the c4 was because of the lightness of the gun, there was some recoil. But once again nothing major. Another thing i didn't like was the articulated wishbone. But thats just a personal preferance. Will be fitting a dyneema wishbone soon.

I haven't tested the 6.75mm shaft yet. Hopefully next weekend. I was xpecting to shoot some big 'tail so i opted for the 7.1mm shaft

All in all, i've got a new favourite gun. Best gun i've used so far.
:D :D :D

Hiya Murat,

Haven't noticed the spear hitting the titanuim muzzle. Then again, there wasn't much current and since we were shooting mostly reef fish, i tracked the gun slowly.

Will have to check next weekend on some nice 10kg+ 'tail :D :D :D

lucky you!!
thats a really nice gun.

By the way, did you notice any barrel flex??

The C4 gun has a Carbon thickness of over 3mm. Compared to Omer 1.85mm (over 110 guns)

There will be no flex!!!!
Thanx shaca, I was just wondering...3mm barrel, sounds really strong!!

Anyway I've got Prices list from C4, and the gun is quite, no, the gun is really expensive.

But still a cool gun :t
The scubastore has the price in dollars. The exchange rate is good so you might get it cheaper off them.

Let me know if its cheaper or not.
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with its single piece construction tech. and the 3mm walls there will be no flex as Shane stated. I am still a great fan of this gun but high price and featherweight chasis always make me think...
Yes, i also heard the C4 gun is one of the best european guns in the market but i remmember someone said something negative about it before on the forum. Can't remmember what was it exactly may be absence of rail and lightweight, not sure...

The question is, does it deserve that money you paid for it or is there better gun around for that price? No matter what, miles paid it and liked it so there is no problem :D

Glad you liked it miles:cool: Is it really shoots as accurate as railguns? What are the advantages over a railguns (other than physical appearance:p) ? Can you try your 6.3mm shaft on it and tell the results?

Cece, i didn't notice any barrel flex, but then again i was using omer 18mm bands. The 7.1mm spear was quicker than my Rabitech Apex 7mm spear with 20mm rubber. Just be warned, you're gonna have a sore chest loading the gun :D :D The 115 and 130cm models come with a rest tab if you are battling to load the gun. I didn't use it, but looks to be a nice feature.

Regarding pricing, drop TECNOSPORT a line. I purchased the gear through them and had excellent service from them. Very knowledgable and very efficient service. I would really recommend using them. PM Mark Laboccetta and he'll be able to help you with any other questions.

Murat, well the c4 is just as accurate as my Rabitechs. I wasn't aiming, but just sort of look at the spot i wanted to hit and would hit it (i do the same with my rabitech's). I haven't used the 6.75mm spear yet. The area i'm spearing in now is renown for its big fish. 20kg+ yellowtail are around and you definitely don't want to spear that with a 6.3mm spear. I've actually just got me a Rabitech Carbon Apex 1.3 with 2x16mm's and a 8mm SS spear just for those big Yellowtail. Gun will also double up as my gun for Mozambique. Planning a 10 day trip end of march. Will hopefully have plenty of fish to try my new guns on!!!:D :D

shaneshac, apart from the little recoil and sore chest :D , what bad things have you heard about the c4??

Miles the only thing I did not like about that gun was that it had no Line Release but the new model seems to have one.

Do youhave line release or Crocodile clips?

Have you got white or black handles?

Hiya shaca

My guns got a white handle. The line release is actually quite clever. The spear itself keeps the line release in place. You could actually make a line release clip like that for any gun that doesn't have a line release. I found it to be a bit fidly when i started, but soon got used to it.

My personal opinion is that the black handle looks better. the whole idea behind the white handle was to give the diver more grip on the gun. One benefit of the white handle is that it is quite easy to see in the water after shooting a fish and your gun is floating.

Next i think i'll have to get me a totemsub to add to my collection:D :D :D I just love wood!!!

Well actually it's going to be a toss up between a totemsub and the new Omer America.

Go for a Totem Man!!!!

You want pure italian handmade class not mass produced/marketed products.

My $0.02
totemsub all the way if your going to get a wooden gun get a gun thats compleatly made of wood. why buy a wooden gun with a plastic euro muzzle. i cant see the scence in it.i dont have a totem gun but i have aloty of faith in them. ask shane hell tell you . i have made my own gun and it seems to have turned out very good. but i still have to get a totemsub tahiti.

in my opinion totemsub is a masterpeice of a gun.

my $ 0.02
OK, so you are ooking for the OMER Master America...
I think there is a problem with this new gun.

If you look at the number of piece of wood of the barrel you will find it is a pair number...well, that's not a problem you might think.

So, now look at the muzzle (the thing where you screw your rubbers), you wil find it is screwed in the barrel but just in the middle so just between 2 pieces of wood...mecanically it is big fault as you will have a lack on this point precisally!!! :hmm

Anyway it is a nice looking gun and I have to say that will prefer a Tahiti TOTEMSUB ...

Shane, do you think we could see with Totemsub for a discount as I see that a lot of people here want to buy a gun??!??

To conclude, don't forget!! THE GOOD GUN IS THE GUN WHO CATCH FISHES...
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