- new water rails VGR - variable geometry rails - Patent pending
- 100 % T700 carbon fiber
The T700 carbon fiber is a HT fiber ( hight tensile fiber). This is an important characteristics for fins, because those are more resistant ( +40% ) than the others, but with the same flexure.
Hello Nata,
Many thanks for peeking in and giving us more details. Some more questions:
1) Are the new rails stronger and more resistant than the old ones? I did not have a good experience with the old rails - they did not keep more than very few weeks. And since I imagine replacement will be much more expensive at the variable profile, having to exchange them often like it was at the old ones, would not do any good to the fins.
Also could you tell us approximative retail price for the rail replacement?
2) T700 - nice to hear it has 40% more tensile resistance, but is it really important at the blades? What exactly was the old material, BTW? And why it was not used before too?
However, if I am not mistaken, high tensile resistance is important at parts with high lengthwise strain, but I do not think anyone tries to tear the blades linearly, so am not sure if it is so important for us. And since higher tensile resistance may also come as trade off of elasticity or fragility, I wonder if you made any breach and strain tests. If so, please let us know the results - the comparison to the old blades would be more than interesting.
Does the high tensile resistance really translates into bigger resistance against blade breaches? Especially in the angle, which I hear (and experienced personally) is a common weak point at C4 blades? Didn't you consider adding more layers on the blade under the foot pocket and at the angle? If I compare C4 blades with for example carbon fins of Beuchat, those are much thicker and stronger under the foot pocket and do not break at that point.
Anyway, I am happy seeing new development at C4. Despite my negative remarks about some aspects of the C4 blades (short life of rails, fragile blade base/angle) I like(d) my C4 Flaps very much and am considering them again.