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C4 VTR + sporasub footpockets

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Shark 1980

New Member
Apr 20, 2007
Hello, I need some advice :eek:) I´m freediver from the Czech Republic and I would like to buy C4 VTR blades 25´s and sporasub Elite Pro footpockets size 40/42. But there is no distributor in the Czech Republic. I contacted C4 carbon, but they told me, that VTR is old model and is sold out and they don´t want to make it in future. They sold VTR for 120 EUR.
Now I was looking for that in a few international e-shops but I was no succesfull.
Also I need to buy sporasub Elite Pro footpockets for C4 blades, but the effect of my searching was the same :head
Can you give my an advice where to buy it?
I could buy C4 flap instead VTR but sporasub footpockets are essential for me.
Thank you for advices.
I need size 40-42, but also with screws and plates to I could fix it to C4 blades.
Do you have a new footpockets ? How much for that?
I have some old Sporasub stuff lying around, I need to check what is available. PM me with your details and we can sort something out.
Thank you, I need only Sporasub Elite Foot pockets size 40-42 with 2 sporasub srews and 2 plates. But I need exactly Elite Pro footpockets, nothing else, because I used lot´s of fins and footpockets and only sporasub Elite Pro with C4 blades worked well for me.
My fiancée lives in GB (near to London) now (for a few months), so you could send footpockets to her and she could send money to you.
my e-mail: vaclav.krpelik@seznam.cz
Thank you, but nothing has come... maybe there is some delay. We could solve it tomorow, we have 20 minutes past twelve at night in the Czech Republic so I have to go sleep :eek:) good night
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