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Calories Burnt whilst spearing.

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Oct 8, 2002
After 4 hours spearing sesh at average depth of 15 meters I feel I could eat a horse. I have sugar cravings for the rest of the day.

Does anyone know how many calories are burnt per hour of spearing/freediving.

I do about 60-70 dives per session.

Man I can't eat enough to keep my weight.:p
I believe that it is around 800-900 calories per hour in colder water. Good way to lose weight :)
Erik Y.
I don't know about caloric counts but usually about 2 lbs of fresh fish fillet, Rice and beans, a glass of good wine and a couple rum cokes brings me back.

Dude I'm not preachin!:p
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I don't know what the numbers are, but I have thought about this before and come to the conclusion that if I have to live off only the fish I shot I'd starve. With an unlimited supply of fish :p I wouldn't be able to eat enough to keep up, especially in the winter, when the water's cold.:)

Okay, I might be able to keep body and soul together, but I'd be real skinny. My insulating layer would be gone.:(
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I'm living in the tropics where water temps average 80f and fish populations are abundent enough to spear at least 5 or more times what I can eat for a couple days in an hour or so, with out much effort. Well, I forget what diving in cold climates was like.
Move south young man!

It really all depends on what your willing to eat! i LOVE PICKLED STARFISH AND EAT LOTS OF NORI.
Best of it!
How the heck do you eat seaweed.
Can you get a chicken ceaser nori ;)

Hey fuzz, do you think one of your customised guns can take on the Amberjack I have posted on the Big Bluefin thread?

Sheets of roasted seaweed used to wrap sushi. (sticky rice and fish eaten raw)
Originally posted by shaneshac

Hey fuzz, do you think one of your customised guns can take on the Amberjack I have posted on the Big Bluefin thread?

I am pretty sure he has suitable gun(s) in his arsenal to take it down. ;)

Never saw that picture Shaneshac - that's one big Amberjack!

Personally, I don't feel confident in any of my customized Euro-guns handling that sort of fish... Definitely have guns that I'd feel comfortable using(Riffes, Wongs), but most of my modifications on Euro-guns have been for ease of loading, opening up the line of sight, etc. In fact, the Alluminum 120 I modified actually has 2 14mm bands instead of beefier ones. The main reason is that the gun is so light that 2 16's would over-power it too much & muzzle-kick like crazy. My dive partner just designed an euro-gun open muzzle with integrated band-elevators, so I'll see if that helps... More pool testing to come :D

As far as landing a fish of that size(not speaking from personal experience :(), a lot of it really depends on the circumstances. In blue-water, it'd be a heckuva lot easier. All you have to do is get a lucky shot and/or play the fish right. Around reef... you probably need a little more knockdown power of a big Riffe/Alexander and a slip-tip would certainly help. Any little edge to keep that fish from getting down into the reef could make a world of diiference. While definitely not out of the question as far as possibility of landing a beast like that on one of my toys, I'd go for the beefier gun with a bigger shaft ;)

Of course, if I was in the water with one of my customized guns, I'd certainly try :hmm
Pickled Star Fish
2 jars pickle juice
6-9 cloves garlic cut in half
One or two chiles

Par boil the thing. Skin with knife or potato peeler before you par boil ( I think). Cut out the stomach. Cut into 1" chunks and put in pickle juice. Leave in frige for a week.
Enjoy with beer and vodka.

How does that new muzzle work?

How much power will a Beuchat Mundial Trigger mech handle?

Would you know why my new Picasso century trigger mech locks up sometimes. if lost two good fish because of this. I always make sure that the line is not interfering inside the mech and that the safety is off.
Reminds me of that obscure fisherman's joke about how to cook carp on a pine board- after cooking the carp throw the thing out and eat the board. I'd like to see people try to eat that on "survivor". Hungry enough, sure I'd eat it. You all would too. Add nori, shoyu, sesame seeds, and plenty wasabi then sell it for top $$$- all the yups in San Diego would make you rich. Our new game fish! We need one. For starfish I use a supermod Riffe(almost unrecoginizable) with a break-away point, and a three inch diameter Damascus steel shaft by a super unheard of maker to stone the wily buggers. Boy do they fight! You need a breakaway to pry them of the rock as you struggle for your life. Kids love them too! If you cut, dry and sugarcoat half of the one inch sections they make a great bfast. A beef jerky type treatment has also proved promising....
I'd better go to sleep.
Originally posted by shaneshac
Would you know why my new Picasso century trigger mech locks up sometimes.
The RobAllens use a Picasso handle and trigger mech and they lock up because the safety doesnt stay in the "Fire" position.

Solution?: Remove the safety. If you want a safe gun, unload the rubbers...;)
Wont removing the safety allow grit to get it the mech and make things worse???

How do you stop this?
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