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camo job on an a Rob allan

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New Member
Jan 11, 2005
I was wondering if anyone has had any experience trying to paint aluminum guns and what the best type of paint would be. I f anyone has any suggestions please let me know. I thought of using metal rustoleum paint which comes in several different camo colors but I don't know how well it will hold up. Thanks!
Not an easy task. Your best bet is to clean the tube really well w/ sandpaper and then a solvent. Don't let any thing touch the barrel(includding your grubby little oily hands :) ). Then use an etching primer followed by really expensive automotive paint.

A neat trick for cheating is to cover the barrel with a thin layer of roven woven fiberglass cloth and epoxy (a 2oz or 4oz cloth is plenty). Let it dry coat w/ primer then any type of paint on top. This will make the gun heavier, which is something that I personallylike. I'm sure you won't glass it so on to trick number three...

Tape it. Omer sells mimetic tape as does numerous hunting stores for rifles. Before I glassed my barrel I used 2" wide electrically tape as per instructions from DB Sultan o'.... 2 lengths wil cover your 1" od barrel, but don't put any on top of the rail, and since it has an extruded (instead of plastic track) you can try any tape you want and simply remove any residual goop w/ acetone (just don't get any on the plastic muzzle or handle, it will melt them).

I just saw your in OC, Maryland. I used to hunt the breakwaters in Lewes, De all the time. How long have you been in the area? Stop by Pirate scuba yet/ the're very helpful. If your using that Rob Allen in MD it's probably a 75cm-90cm (unless they make a 55 :) ).
hey, Thanks for the info. it sounds pretty complicated. I think i will give it a try anyways. i have been around ocean city for a long time but just go into spearfishing about 2 years ago. The RA is a 90CM gun. I have hunted the lewes breakwater wall as well. It is a fun place. I know Matt at Pirate scuba pretty well and you are right they are extremely helpfull and carry a lot of great gear. Let me know if you are ever in the area again, I have a boat up there maybe we can go to the wall together,

thanks again,
I bet you could have it dipped like they do for shotguns and rifles. Hmmm...Mossy Oak or Shadowgrass? I bet I've seen both of you guys at the Lewes DE breakwater. I tore a bicep manhandling a kayak full of gear there last July but will be easily okay by spring.
I had that done to one of my shotguns once, it's like a laminate sticker. I wonder if it would hold up in saltwater? Thanks for the idea. Next time we can go by boat, it's a hike to the outer wall on a kayak isn't it?
If you get the tide ride it's not bad at all. It is a bit of a hike if you paddle against the tide but I have done that too. I have an old 17' wailer with a 90 Evinrude that I trailer up there once in awhile as well. Powerboats work for me. I'd love to share a ride with a fellow spearo, yours or mine either one. Aren't you one of the DUSC guys?

Actually, by the time you launch at the ramp in Lewes and putt around to the inlet and then cruise on out the time is about the same as launching a kayak at the bird santuary and doing the paddle out, with the tide anyway. Dragging a 'yak up the sand hill at the santuary coming back is no treat, though, even with wheels.

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I am not in that club but I will probably join next year. I think they have meets twice a month. I have never taken a kayak out but it just looks far. I have a 20 foot twin vee I tow up there or if my other boat is in the water in OC so sometimes we hit it when we are striper fishing or on the way back from somewhere. Drop me an email when you are around or planning on going and maybe we can go together. We have a few other places, shallow wrecks and inlets we fish also that are a little closer for me being that I come out of the OC inlet.
Yes, we really ought to hook up for some trips. I'm sure we know some of the same wrecks. I used to do a lot of scuba out of OC, both private and charter. Those Twin Vees sure are sweet boats!

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