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Can anyone help me?...please?

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New Member
Apr 3, 2002
Hi everyone,
I'm a beginner,not done any freediving yet,but will.i'm really interested in how long you lot can hold your breath for.Can anyone help me with packing? I've read a bit on it but can't seem to do it-how can I get more air into my mouth when my lungs are full? What draws the air in? I can control the epiglottis and soft palate,but getting the air into my mouth ....
thanks to anyone who can help.
welcome to deeperblue Ike.

you seem to be in very good shape (judging by your first 2 posts 1 ,2 )

are you simply interested in holding your breath longer, or do you want to get into freediving?

i wouldnt worry about packing right now, if you plan on freediving, get comfortable in the water, read all of the saftey arcticles on this site, get a buddy and have fun,
if you simply want to get longer breath hold times, im to not sure what you should do :duh :duh :naughty

good luck,`
Hi Ike,

try this link to an article written by Pipin.


I'm totally self taught and reading this article basically got me started. I started out practising statics in a pool (Need a buddy for this). Doing statics makes it easy to just concentrate on proper breathing and relaxation (both above and below water). I rememember I got to 3 minutes after a couple of weeks of practise but everyone is different. Once you get comfortable with this try doing dynamics(with buddy) in the pool. ie breath up, swim 25m underwater with fins on, rest, repeat. Free diving in the ocean then also requires more skills :- equalizing streamlining, duckdiving.....

There is heaps of stuff under "Training" on this site, just a question of finding it all.

I also agree that packing will be of little benefit to you at this stage. ( Look at all the Wolrd Records Umberto Pellizari has set, and he doesn't use packing)

Does anyone think it might be an idea to have a "getting started" or "Newbie tips" page on this site ?


I was thinking of maybe a basic FAQ page, like some of the newsgroups have, but that might take some of the fun out of searching for answers, and may also reduce communication between divers, which I think is bad.
Erik Y.
When I read your idea Walrus, I initially said, "Yeah!" and then read Erik's take on it and tend to go his way, in that a little rooting around has often let me see stuff that appeals to me as well as my initial questions. I think seeing the titles of the topics should be key and then let the looking begin. Then, if the person can't find a thread that works, then write in a thread or post as we have here and off we go, steering the lucky (?) individual to deep-land.

Thanks fellas,
Yes I do want to get into freediving,but I'm also interested in just holding my breath for as long as I can too.I come from a weightraining/powerlifting background and have a resting pulse of around 55 (used to be 42 when I was into cycling a lot) so I am pretty fit,but not too good at all at breathholding.I think you're right,I do need to get comfortable with the water more-I did a 2.00min hold in my flat last night but get me in a pool and i'm lucky to beat 35 seconds! On your advice I won't bother with the packing then.I suppose theres more important/useful things to learn first.Cheers.
Ike, you might consider packing as a part of your stretching regimen. Packing your lungs and doing trunk stretches will really open up your lungs, plus stretch those hard to stretch intercostals.
Just be careful, you can injure yourself...take it slow dude.
Erik Y.
Erik,in response to what you said about packing as part of the stretching program:this sound good but I still don't know how to pack,I can't see how you can get more air into the mouth to push into the lungs-what draws it in?
Also,while I'm here,I've been practicing breath holding 3 times in a row every evening,trying to fill my lungs to their limit.Also being doing a bit whilst out walking.Now my ribs/lungs-whatever are aching.I presume this is due to them being stretched-am I ok doing this? Also,how do I do trunk strtches exactly? if its possible to enlarge the lungs,then I want to do it.
Thanks for having the patience with my endless questions.:thankyou
Hello Ike

Maybe I can answer your question of what draws the air in after you think your lungs are already full. You have to fill your mouth with air (mouth open - not losing the air in your lungs) and you can do this by using your tongue as a piston. By drawing your tongue from the front of your mouth towards the rear and at the same time opening up your mouth more will draw air in (mouth starts out shaped like your trying to whistle..) close your mouth and use your tongue and cheeks again as a piston to force that air into your lungs. Be very careful as not to hurt yourself.. I guess some have..

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