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Can anyone make use of 2 x Right Hand Gloves?

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Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2005
I tend to hunt with 1 left glove! , to avoid the sharp Bass gills and cuts from the reef. I dislike having a glove on my shooting hand.

So having a tidy up. I'll post them within UK, free to who ever wants them (left handed spearos who do like I do??).

1 x Beuchat Glove LARGE
1 x Cressi Sub Glove M/L BOTH ARE RIGHT HANDS!
Reactions: Mr. X
I tend to hunt with 1 left glove!
Jeez, you guys in Devon must be hardy! I went in yesterday & was wishing I hadn't pulled so many old fishing lines this year (to recover weights) - one of them cut right through the trigger finger of my previously perfect gloves. I noticed the difference.

Hey, hold on - you have a Large Beauchat right hand glove spare! I'll buy it off you. Will PM you.
No need for that Mr X. They are free. The Beuchat is on its way to you. Glad its of use.

Still a Cressi Sub ML right hand glove if anyone else can use it.

Thanks Pastor! , thats how nick names start rofl
Reactions: Mr. X and Pastor
"Aloovious, aloovious,..."
Thanks Pav. Weird, I was just washing my gear down today (we had a party last night, so couldn't do it yesterday) and thinking I'd have to get new gloves as the water poured out the hole in my glove.
Glove received - just the job, thanks Pav.
Cor blimey it's the Alvin Stardust fan club rofl

I was thinking about your glove with a hole in it Mr. X last night. A while ago I was diving after a good curry the night before. Well curry has an affect and eventually there was an escape of gas. So on the next dive this gas shot up the legs of my suit into the socks. My feet then were waving about pointing skyward as buoyant as you want. So back up and the only way out was to pull my weight belt out a bit and let it out through my hood :yack those curry farts are bad. Anyways back to our glove with the hole in the finger rofl well yeah you can gues the rest rofl
Reactions: spaghetti
am i the only one that gets sore and swollen lips from equalizing wearing kelvar fingered gloves? I bought these cool imersion jobbies, but my top lip gets so swollen equalizing where the kevlar rubs i can harldy talk!

oh, and as long as your not referring to Gary Glitter, i'm a fan..
Hey, there's nothing wrong with Garry Glitter! Well nothing at least that a public castration and a firing squad wouldn't cure

I don't get any problems with my lips and I use kevlar gloves too. I can't use the two big fingers on my left hand very well after an accident many years ago so I use my thumb and ring finger to equalise, it seems to keep the rest clear of my lip
Depending on what type of gloves you use Pav you could try just try turning your right hand gloves inside out to make left hand gloves.... may not work with gripping pads etc but you might want to bear it in mind when buying your next pair (2 for 1 etc).
Reactions: Pav
Or cut the fingers and put them under the fingers with the hole, fabric glue will set it in place
Reactions: Pav
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