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Can I estimate my SpO2 based on these data?

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Jul 19, 2013
I just did a 3.45 dry static. My SpO2 got down to 83 %.

1) Is there a way to estimate after how long my SpO2 will be 80 %, 70 %, 60 %, 50 %, 40 % and 30 %?

2) What is the likely SpO2 at Black Out for a beginner?

I'm hoping to hear from you guys. Thanks a bunch! :)
Great! Thanks MarcinB. :)

That fully answers my Q2. But what about Q1?

Is there a formula for estimating e.g. when I'll be at 55 % when I know that I'm down to 83 % after 3.45? My 83 % is - in accordance with what you explained in the other thread - the lowest value I get, and I get it a little after breathing. So, if I'm 6 % less, then I'm at about 77 % when I give in and start breathing.

But can I expect to be at 55 % after 15 seconds more? 30 seconds? 60 seconds? 90 seconds? Or...? Is there any way to estimate this?

Thanks! :)
It's very difficult to estimate max breath hold time from oximeter readings during a sub-maximal hold due to a nonlinear relationship between hemoglobin saturation and blood oxygen partial pressure. However, below ~75% it starts to drop really fast and there is not much time left till blackout. In my case it was 81% after 5-minute breath hold (the lowest value during recovery, measured with finger probe) and my PB is 5'40". So from that level I can continue for at least 40 sec.
Once again, thanks, MarcinB. This is likely to differ from person to person, but based on what you say, I guess I'd have 40-80 seconds more "in me", so 4.25-5.05 or so. My PB is 4.15, so I guess I'll have to learn to suck it up a little longer. :) Much appreciated.
Just an idea instead of focusing on sucking it up until you BO (or just before), why don't you focus on say increasing the time it takes for you to get down to 81%?

I understand why you are asking but I think you'll have better progress in the medium term by trying to extend the first 80% of the hold by more relaxation etc than trying to push through the last 20% or so...

Really curious myself though, maybe I should get an oxymeter
Simos, this is exactly what oximeter should be used for by a freediver. Most (if not all) oximeters are inacurate below 70% and as I wrote above it's difficult to predict from their readings for how long you can hold your breath. However, oximeters are very useful for testing different patterns of preparation, relaxation, breath up etc.
Great idea, Simos! I think I'll try that instead of pushing it further down.

If you want to get a meter, I suggest you take a look at the one I got. It was only $37 from Amazon.
Great idea, Simos! I think I'll try that instead of pushing it further down.

If you want to get a meter, I suggest you take a look at the one I got. It was only $37 from Amazon.

Which one did you get? The cheap ones can be quite inaccurate but for my basic level it'll do I am sure, I am just curious.
I bought this one: [ame="http://www.amazon.com/Finger-Pulse-Oximeter-SM-110-Carry-Wrist/dp/B003TJH3LI/ref=sr_1_1?s=hpc&ie=UTF8&qid=1375022383&sr=1-1"]Amazon.com: Finger Pulse Oximeter SM-110 with Carry Case and Neck/Wrist Cord: Health & Personal Care@@AMEPARAM@@http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/416fMdPZQyL.@@AMEPARAM@@416fMdPZQyL[/ame].
Thanks, couldn't get that delivered to the UK but I bought a cheap one instead - given that I don't hold my breath much anymore it'll probably be a waste of money lol